Welcome to FrankTalk.org, an online community of guys
who are fighting Erectile Dysfunction.

Here you will find ideas, hints and techniques and some of the latest research news.
But most of all, you will find a place to talk to other guys about their journey
and how they are beating ED - physically, mentally and emotionally.

Finally - someplace where I can ask questions in a
safe space and be taken seriously!
There's nothing you can't talk about here!

Here you will find ideas, hints and techniques and some of the latest research news.
But most of all, you will find a place to talk to other guys about their journey
and how they are beating ED - physically, mentally and emotionally.

1/3 of all men have premature ejaculation.
If so many guys have this problem,
why is it so hard to find someone to talk to?

Here you will find ideas, hints and techniques and some of the latest research news.
But most of all, you will find a place to talk to other guys about their journey
and how they are beating ED - physically, mentally and emotionally.

I'm too young to have these problems!
I've stopped dating just because I know I can't ever let
things get physical. My life is a mess.

Here you will find ideas, hints and techniques and some of the latest research news.
But most of all, you will find a place to talk to other guys about their journey
and how they are beating ED - physically, mentally and emotionally.

17,554 Members are discussing 25,037 topics, in 240,667 posts. ( 82 users online )
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E.D. In The News
The FrankTalk.Org website strives to advance patient education about Erectile Dysfunction. The materials provided at this site are for educational purposes only and are not intended for use as diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you've read on the FrankTalk.Org website. We insist that readers discuss the information contained herein with their professional health care provider. We will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising there-from. FrankTalk.Org is not a medical website.