glad tomeet you, but wish it wasn't so
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glad tomeet you, but wish it wasn't so
Good day to all of you. I just joined the forum and have ED. I am 71, divorced, and love the touch, feel, etc. of a good woman. I enjoy the foreplay aspect of a relationship, but am missing the ability to go further and, as such, am just starting to use Trimix to help this part of my physical desire to work properly. I go by the name of Cowgirl (don't ask me why,
, am not gay, but use this name on most of my website needs. In any event, your wedsite is fantastic, most appreciated from all I can read, and I am very grateful for anything you folks can provide me in terms of how to make this next juncture work effectively. Since I am just starting Trimix, a question: are there different dosages? Also, should I be especially careful in the beginning as to what amount to use, i.e., what do you suggest (0.2-0.4)? Hit and miss, I guess, but from what I've read here, you folks have done it all, and are willing to tell all which, again, is most appreciated. All for now, hope I haven't taken too much time, and many thanks.

Re: glad tomeet you, but wish it wasn't so
I can't advice you on Trimix as I am new to the forum and for my ED just implant will help, but I like female Cowgirls
I can't advice you on Trimix as I am new to the forum and for my ED just implant will help, but I like female Cowgirls

Re: glad tomeet you, but wish it wasn't so
Normally your doctor will do the first injection in the office to test your reaction. Usually you start with a small dose and gradually work your way up to find the magic number that works for you.

Normally your doctor will do the first injection in the office to test your reaction. Usually you start with a small dose and gradually work your way up to find the magic number that works for you.
Age 71. Married 52 years. Location Oregon. PCa at age 56. Open RP surgery and radiation treatment. Oral or injection drugs didn't work. Implanted 10/13/20. Titan Narrow Base 18cm with 1cm left and 1.5cm right rear tip extenders.
- Posts: 22
- Joined: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:56 am
Re: glad tomeet you, but wish it wasn't so
At first, I used the injection apparatus, but kept screwing up and "missing" the intended spot. Later, I found it is best to just stretch the penis out, and bury the needle slowly on a lower part of the penis, then push the plunger down. It is surprisingly painless, and the people at your medical office can show you how it is done.
Future Shooter.
Future Shooter.
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