Good morning,
I have been struggling with ED for about 10 years. I have been on Viagra and Sildenafil with success for the past 10 years. I was diagnosed with Low T about 5 years ago and have been on different trt gels, injections, and now Jatenzo. I have been really struggling with ED the past 10 months without any success from Sildenafil or generic Cialis. My urologist has had me on daily 5 mg and 20 mg day of sex for about 6 months. I have not been successful with sex for about 10 months. This very hard for me and especially for my wife. She blames herself and we are having a very difficult time with our relationship now because of it. My urologist thinks my Low T is contributing to the ED. I follow up Sept 2 for Blood test after 3 months of being on the Jatenzo.
This is a horrible feeling to not be able to perform for my wife.
New to FT from SC
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- Posts: 9
- Joined: Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:06 pm
New to FT from SC
53 mwm ED for 10 years, Viagra and Cialis doesn’t work anymore. Low T, on TRT Jatenzo pill.
Re: New to FT from SC
Jetson1969 wrote:Good morning,
I have been struggling with ED for about 10 years. I have been on Viagra and Sildenafil with success for the past 10 years. I was diagnosed with Low T about 5 years ago and have been on different trt gels, injections, and now Jatenzo. I have been really struggling with ED the past 10 months without any success from Sildenafil or generic Cialis. My urologist has had me on daily 5 mg and 20 mg day of sex for about 6 months. I have not been successful with sex for about 10 months. This very hard for me and especially for my wife. She blames herself and we are having a very difficult time with our relationship now because of it. My urologist thinks my Low T is contributing to the ED. I follow up Sept 2 for Blood test after 3 months of being on the Jatenzo.
This is a horrible feeling to not be able to perform for my wife.
you are not alone and are now surrounded by others who have been in your situation. all i can recommend is to have frank discussions with your spouse. if its important to you, you will do whatever you need to do. support of your wife is essential. i myself have been in your position. i had to keep at doctors for help when all they want to do is the minimal treatment. i myself have yet to find a cause for the ED. i also have low T but the TRT has not really helped. for me the next step after oral meds was injections and i was utterly frightened to stick a needle in my dick. it was the words of the uro that i quoted earlier that made me see that i needed to take that step. my wife was always supportive but also felt like she was to blame and we went through periods of unrest just because of ED and not being able to have sex. now on injections we have been having the sex of our lives. i am not under the impression that they will work forever but from being on this forum, i know that the next step is the big one but again, we are not alone. there is plenty of support on here. so welcome and i wish you luck and support.
50+ yrs old. married 25+ years. hypothyroid, on TRT. 10+ years ED, viagra, cialis now 50% ineffective. now on trimix 2MG phentolamine/30MG papaverine/20MCG alprostadil
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- Joined: Tue Feb 18, 2020 12:22 pm
- Location: St. Louis, USA
Re: New to FT from SC
Jetson: Five years is much too long to get T right! I've been taking synthetic testosterone for 20 years and it has been the simplest thing for me. I started with twice-a-month injections of T in peanut oil. Some years later I discovered the gel made in a compounded pharmacy, which I smear on my skin each night (only $30 for 2 months worth). The doc monitored my T a few times after starting each technique, and quickly got my T in the right zone. In fact after the first shot my T was correct 48 hours later!
I don't know why you have tried three techniques and still have low T! I suggest seeing an endocrinologist, since those people are the hormone experts. Maybe you have some unusual body chemistry that a urologist doesn't study.
Testosterone is the first thing to get normalized when a guy has ED. If mine were to go low, I'd be depressed, couldn't think straight, would have no libido, and would get into arguments with my wife. (See my signature.)
Find an endocrinologist ASAP. And think about getting a new urologist.
I don't know why you have tried three techniques and still have low T! I suggest seeing an endocrinologist, since those people are the hormone experts. Maybe you have some unusual body chemistry that a urologist doesn't study.
Testosterone is the first thing to get normalized when a guy has ED. If mine were to go low, I'd be depressed, couldn't think straight, would have no libido, and would get into arguments with my wife. (See my signature.)
Find an endocrinologist ASAP. And think about getting a new urologist.
Age 79 in 2024. On testosterone replacement due to hypothalamus malfunction. (Attention depressed guys: low testosterone is a cause.) Healthy health nut but ED due to getting old. Like to keep enough cardiovascular ability to thrust for 30 min.
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:06 pm
Re: New to FT from SC
Thanks for the info Martin. The urologist I am seeing now is new, been seeing him for about 7 months. My primary care dr. managed my low t before the urologist. Hoping this latest pill will help with the low t. I think the biggest issue with my ED is psychological now since it has been going on for so many months. I am going to ask about injections on my next visit to see if I can at least have some success with my wife. It has been almost 10 months since we have successfully had sex.
53 mwm ED for 10 years, Viagra and Cialis doesn’t work anymore. Low T, on TRT Jatenzo pill.
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:06 pm
Re: New to FT from SC
Thanks for sharing ape. I am glad I found FT. It is good to be able to chat with others that are experiencing the same issues. I have felt so isolated and alone with no one to talk to about this.
53 mwm ED for 10 years, Viagra and Cialis doesn’t work anymore. Low T, on TRT Jatenzo pill.
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