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hello to all
Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:31 pm
I am TomVic and Paul tells me I havenot been posted properly yet so here goes
Married with 3 kids 6 grand kids , family life important to me, as trying to be right with God
like gardening , biking , walking
had the op now as limp as can be, which is very sad as my wife and I had a good relationship before
Re: hello to all
Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:03 pm
by Dave48003
Hi Tom, welcome to the greatest group of guys around! You mention you had "the op" and now you are limp. I'm guessing you had prostate surgery, and now are dealing with the after effects.
I haven't been through the prostate cancer mill (thankfully), but I was one who had ED since being a teen. It was tolerable at first (also have 3 kids, before viagra) and I just figured I wasn't "the stud" other guys were because I didn't get as hard and couldn't stay hard like them. Got worse with age and high blood pressure, extra weight, sleep apnea, and diabetes. I finally had an implant 9 months ago, and am very happy with the results.
Get in here, read, get in the chatroom and have some fun (yea fun, we can poke fun at ourselves). Most of all, realize you ain't the first and you won't be the last. You have lots of company here and guys who have overcome the problems and are all willing to support and help.
Re: hello to all
Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:15 pm
by Cajun Jeff
TomVic, Welcome to FT. I am also a PCa guy as well. You will find lots of support and find ways to get back in the game. Join us in the chat room some time.
Cajun Jeff
Re: hello to all
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:18 am
by 6gun 44 mag
I'd wager that the fine relationship you've always had with your bride is never going to change. Love in a marriage overcomes anything, and you seem to have that in abundance. Best wishes to you for solutions and release from the burdens of ED, lots of help here, suggestions, solutions, encouragement---take advantage.
Re: hello to all
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:52 pm
by Muz061
Don't let the effects of prostate surgery keep you pinned down. ED is treatable. I am careful not to allow my faith in God to be tainted by those who have a narrow, rules-based approach to sexuality and can make us feel guilty about treatment. Seek plenty of opinions here and you will do fine.
Re: hello to all
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:41 pm
by jn1421
Muz061 wrote:Tom,
Don't let the effects of prostate surgery keep you pinned down. ED is treatable. I am careful not to allow my faith in God to be tainted by those who have a narrow, rules-based approach to sexuality and can make us feel guilty about treatment. Seek plenty of opinions here and you will do fine.
Well said Muz. I Agree.
Re: hello to all
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:54 pm
by Josh_14_11
Hey, TomVic!
Just wanted to add my "Welcome" to all the other ones; hope to see you again in chat some time.
Re: hello to all
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:48 am
by bob1138
Hi TomVic,
Happy New Year and welcome to FrankTalk.
I am a fellow Prostate Cancer Survivor.
I think that the best way for me to provide you with some info about ED is to share the story of my battle with ED.
I developed ED Post-Prostatectomy in February 2004 at age 65 and had never experienced any problem prior to that.
Viagra, Cialis, etc. did not work for me.
After much research and having the opportunity to speak with 2 men who underwent the Coloplast Titan Penile Implant
Procedure, I had my Titan Implant Procedure December 13, 2007.
The Titan Penile Implant completely corrected my ED and restored my sex life and the emotional intimacy with my wife of
45 years. I celebrated the Fourth Anniversary of my Titan Implant last month and my wife and I are very thankful for it.
I became a Coloplast Patient Educator in January 2008 in order to share my Pre-Implant and Post-Implant experiences
with men still sufering with ED and its devastating side effects.
The FT Group has a bunch of great guys who are always willing to reach out to other men suffering with ED.
I share my story to show that a normal and rewarding sex life is definitely possible Post-Prostatectomy.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or just want to talk.
Re: hello to all
Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:16 pm
Thank you all for your welcome.
Maybe someone can give me some advise.
Had my radical prostatectomy mid June then the scissors in July as everything closed up, only to have to go back for further in August for laser to open things up again. As I had nodes, nerves and extra taken as my Gleason score was 5+4=9. I have been told to accept nothing can be done for the little fella.
I drink 2 litres of fluid a day to make sure I don’t close again, which in turn makes it hard for control of the wees.
Have others found they still have pain several months down the line as my specialist says it is still healing!
Also had surgery to remove several large melanomas off my back and arms.
Trusting someone can give me some advise, TOMVIC
Re: hello to all
Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:16 pm
Thank you all for your welcome.
Maybe someone can give me some advise.
Had my radical prostatectomy mid June then the scissors in July as everything closed up, only to have to go back for further in August for laser to open things up again. As I had nodes, nerves and extra taken as my Gleason score was 5+4=9. I have been told to accept nothing can be done for the little fella.
I drink 2 litres of fluid a day to make sure I don’t close again, which in turn makes it hard for control of the wees.
Have others found they still have pain several months down the line as my specialist says it is still healing!
Also had surgery to remove several large melanomas off my back and arms.
Trusting someone can give me some advise, TOMVIC