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sorry for the multiple posts

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:45 pm
by trimixboy
Sorry for the multiple posts, but I could not see my message until just a few moments ago.

If I click on "Discussion Forums" above, then "Introductions and Hellos" I saw some messages, but nothing recent
Then on "Introductions and Hellos" (above) and the board refreshed with about a dozen new posts.
Refreshing the browser did not help either, I don't know understand, but I can deal this.


Re: sorry for the multiple posts

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:36 am
by rlm1818
The forum server has a defect in how it reports the page status. It appears to show up in only certain internet browsers. If the problem affects you (as it does me), you will need to set your browser to delete the browser cache each time you access this site. Otherwise you will not get the updated pages.