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A lucky, worthwhile find here

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 2:06 pm
by Rockwell1939
Hello to all on this wonderful web-site from a new member ... After discovering this site approx. 1 mo. ago (Thanks Google) , I surfed around to the many places here to read about some of you.. Last week I registered and went to the donations section and donated... Very easy to do so .. All you have to do is do it .... So, just want to mention that I'm 83 and 11/12s old. Have been pretty lucky with most things during my life... Near the end of 2019, it was found out that I had a high level of PSA ..Got filled in of just where I was concerning the problem. My mother, father, sister and Grand Parents all died from cancer. Talked with a Urologist about options. 44 , or 28 radiation treatments or the removal of the prostate gland. I opted for the 28 treatments. The Dr. did not agree... anyway, 28 treatments it was.
Things went very smoothly with NO pain what-so-ever... Started out with the PSA being 7.41 .. 6 mos. ago it came in at 0.014 .. The next problem I had was; My wife (GOOD WOMAN) of 62 years passed away quickly.. So, my life has changed Greatly ..
Thanks for letting me in .. It is appreciated ... !

Re: A lucky, worthwhile find here

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 3:17 pm
by stmfttr
Welcome Rockwell. We're all here to help one another.

Re: A lucky, worthwhile find here

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 3:32 pm
by Lester33
Hello Rockwell,
Thanks for this forum and members through my journey. I’m over five years out and things are great. Please ask or contact by PM with questions like steam said we are here to help.

Re: A lucky, worthwhile find here

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 3:59 pm
by Bigdave
Rockwell1939 wrote:Hello to all on this wonderful web-site from a new member ... After discovering this site approx. 1 mo. ago (Thanks Google) , I surfed around to the many places here to read about some of you.. Last week I registered and went to the donations section and donated... Very easy to do so .. All you have to do is do it .... So, just want to mention that I'm 83 and 11/12s old. Have been pretty lucky with most things during my life... Near the end of 2019, it was found out that I had a high level of PSA ..Got filled in of just where I was concerning the problem. My mother, father, sister and Grand Parents all died from cancer. Talked with a Urologist about options. 44 , or 28 radiation treatments or the removal of the prostate gland. I opted for the 28 treatments. The Dr. did not agree... anyway, 28 treatments it was.
Things went very smoothly with NO pain what-so-ever... Started out with the PSA being 7.41 .. 6 mos. ago it came in at 0.014 .. The next problem I had was; My wife (GOOD WOMAN) of 62 years passed away quickly.. So, my life has changed Greatly ..
Thanks for letting me in .. It is appreciated ... !

Welcome to the forum.

I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your wife. You guys had many years together, and I'm sure it's difficult.
God Bless.

There is lots of advice here, and most are very willing to help.

Re: A lucky, worthwhile find here

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 8:48 pm
by Spontaneous1
Welcome, and my condolences.

Re: A lucky, worthwhile find here

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:51 pm
by bldoink
Welcome to the forum.

Re: A lucky, worthwhile find here

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 12:38 pm
by Rockwell1939
Fellows, I'd like to post a P.S. to my initial new posting. After re-reading it, it almost seems that I might have left readers with the notion that Radiation Treatments are really easy to do .. they are, kinda..., but, before the medical team starts with 'em, you are givin' a list of approx. 10 side affects that might happen to you ... Like ED, anus leakage, incontinace, 3-4-5 trips to the bathroom during the night, not being able to quite make it to the toilet before dribbling, ect ....... but, cancer is real ... I did not have ED before or after the treatments ...If fact, at the bi-yearly check-ups, they were surprised to hear that my joint still worked all the way, including 4-6 drops or so of semen each time .. But that came to the end with ED setting in 3 mos. ago ... Lots of Youtube watching gave me the idea that I was short on NO (Nitrous Oxide).. For me the chance was easy to make. I made a change to foods that contribute NO to the blood stream... After 3-4 weeks the results were astounding .. But the problem now is VL ... which is handled by downward pressure of 2 fingers at either side of the base of the penis.. Just amazing ... Never felt sexual pleasures like this before... And for now, no semen ... So ...?

Re: A lucky, worthwhile find here

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 4:32 pm
by bldoink
Rockwell1939 wrote:After re-reading it, it almost seems that I might have left readers with the notion that Radiation Treatments are really easy to do .. they are, kinda..., but, before the medical team starts with 'em, you are givin' a list of approx. 10 side affects that might happen to you ... Like ED, anus leakage, incontinace, 3-4-5 trips to the bathroom during the night, not being able to quite make it to the toilet before dribbling, ect ....... but, cancer is real ...

Yeah, I'm dealing with several of the side effects now. Plus I'm having increased abdominal discomfort the last two days. I have 6 treatments left out of 35. I'll be very happy when I'm done. But you're correct, the treatments themselves are quick, easy and painless.

Re: A lucky, worthwhile find here

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2023 3:41 am
by ready2go
ok here goes . if you have cancer or tumors look into fenbendazole. it kills cancer and tumors .look up joe tippens story . its a anti parasite med that was found to kill cancer . joe tippens had lung cancer and tumors ,after three months on the med he was cured .
it was being studied on mice with success when the women doing the study got brain stem cancer that has no treatment for it . she tried the med she was testing . she had been giving 3 moths to live . and ...cured .
i had a tumor on my kidney and took it for 3 months ,then had a ultra sound done and the doctor looked hard and couldnt find it .
so yeah a medicine for animals' that killed their cancer and in humans .
its cheap and not profitable to big pharma so its not promoted or approved by the people who approved the covid vaxxes -fda
we told our friend who had ulcers about it . he took it . he was bed riding with no appetite ,but not long after thanked us .he is up and around now [it isnt known to treat ulcers so i was surprised. idk if he had other meds or not]

Re: A lucky, worthwhile find here

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2023 8:16 am
by HikerMan
Rockwell1939 wrote:Hello to all on this wonderful web-site from a new member ... After discovering this site approx. 1 mo. ago (Thanks Google) , I surfed around to the many places here to read about some of you.. Last week I registered and went to the donations section and donated... Very easy to do so .. All you have to do is do it .... So, just want to mention that I'm 83 and 11/12s old. Have been pretty lucky with most things during my life... Near the end of 2019, it was found out that I had a high level of PSA ..Got filled in of just where I was concerning the problem. My mother, father, sister and Grand Parents all died from cancer. Talked with a Urologist about options. 44 , or 28 radiation treatments or the removal of the prostate gland. I opted for the 28 treatments. The Dr. did not agree... anyway, 28 treatments it was.
Things went very smoothly with NO pain what-so-ever... Started out with the PSA being 7.41 .. 6 mos. ago it came in at 0.014 .. The next problem I had was; My wife (GOOD WOMAN) of 62 years passed away quickly.. So, my life has changed Greatly ..
Thanks for letting me in .. It is appreciated ... !

Nice to meet you sir,
My father(as I) have had to deal with Prostate cancer.

He had radioactive pellets put into his Prostate when he was 75.
He will turn 92 next week, and prostate cancer hasn't progressed at all.
So there IS some other treatments out there.
Always look at every option.

You'll find out about every conceivable thing on this site regarding Implants and other issues regarding Penile Health.
I found my Doctor here on these threads. (Thanks, guys!)
Its a very friendly place and we understand each other very well.

If you have a question, we can probably get it answered.

Welcome aboard.