Introduction and Hello from the Eastern Shore

This is the place to say hi to the board. Tell us something about yourself. If you're not quite ready to post for advice, that's fine.
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Introduction and Hello from the Eastern Shore

Postby dheberling » Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:15 pm

My name is David Heberling. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in April 2011. I was 52. I had Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy on June 20th. I have had ED since then. My Urologist was very informative as to what to expect following surgery. He is very interested in helping me get penile function fully restored. He is more gungho than I am about it. Why am I less enthusiastic than he is? Beta Blockers. Even though I had a catheter ablation procedure done to cure my atrial fibrillation in February, my cardiologist is keeping me on a Beta Blocker anyway. They kill libido. I have to admit, that even though my erectile function was working fairly well pre-surgery, there were some problems. I could always get a hard on and engage in intercourse with my wife. However, if any doubt entered my mind during that sexual activity, I would lose rigidity. As orgasm became less certain, doubt entered my mind more often. Now, I use the pump on the days that I do not do the injections. I do the injections every other day. Progress is slow.
David Heberling
Gleason score of 7 (3+4)
RALP surgery June 20, 2011
52 at time of surgery

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Joined: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:35 am
Location: New Haven, IN

Re: Introduction and Hello from the Eastern Shore

Postby hockey » Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:47 am

Welcome aboard David,
Check out all the posts and I am pretty sure you will find someone who has or is going through the very same problems. Everyone here will help you in anyway they can.
FT really gave me the courage to get the help I needed.
Check out the chatroom when you have time. Lots of very good first hand exchanges.
Everyone and I do mean everyone really needs that confidence your talking about.
The lack of confidence leads to depression which only compounds the problems
we men must deal with in the sexual realm. FT got me right to the heart of dealing with
all of those issues.
Good luck to you and you can always count on my help. I am not a doctor and I don't play one but support and understanding I have plenty of.
67 yr's young. Loving wife and 4 children 7 grandchildren. Type II diabetic for 9 years. Could retire but love my job and the people I work for. Pills, Pumps & Injections all failed. Implanted on 9/2/11. I am now "Bionic":)

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