Sudden onset ED

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Sudden onset ED

Postby nfljcgarcia » Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:51 pm

I’m 39 and back in august I started noticing a difference in my erections while masturbating (I’ve been single for a bit over a year now). I was watching porn, that has been a bad habit of mine throughout the years unfortunately. I’m just wondering if this could be PIED (porn induced ED) I would assume that with that you could get hard watching porn but when you were with someone you couldn’t and you wouldn’t actually notice it while watching porn. Anyway I read about PIED, and stopped watching it (I’m on TRT so I know it’s not my testosterone levels) anyway I cut out the porn, started masturbating and edging that seemed to work, I was able to engage in sexual activity a couple times in September, but the third time I was not able to get hard. Went in Cialis daily, that seemed to help a bit but I still had no confidence to actually try and engage in sexual activity, then I tried viagra (by myself) up to 170 mg with really hit or miss results, and you can’t claim anxiety in these treatments, cuz at the time I believed they would work. Anyway I was able to engage in sexual activity in early December with an ex Im really attracted to while on viagra like 125 mg. But since then things have been all downhill as they seem to have been since august. Doubt and worries keep on creeping in and things keep getting worse. I stopped the daily Cialis because I was like maybe I can get through this and it’s all in my head, but then things were 100% dead down there. So I started the Cialis again, and that’s helped some, like on occasion I can get hard mostly when I’m not trying to and I happen to be touching myself. But usually I’m like ok I’m gonna masturbate and I’m playing with a rope, if I can really find my zen than maybe I can get hard. Anyway I got frustrated to the point I was like what does it matter I’m gonna watch porn and play with my rope, to my surprise it did get hard. But it took a while and like when I was hard I was almost ready to cum already. Like how long to I experiment with viagra on my own with mixed and very inconsistent results. This has spiraled me down into the pits of depression and anxiety that is very very hard to cope with. Like I get zero enjoyment out of life right now. I confided to some family and they all tell me it’s in my head your young and healthy it has to be in your head. I went to a urologist he said the same thing, he didn’t even want to examine me, finally he did and said I was fine, I requested a Doppler scan and he agreed but said he already knew what the results would be, I asked about venous leak and he said if I had that there would be like some sort of petecia on the side of my penis and I was like what really?(Actually he was a PA) I inquired about an implant, he kind of scoffed and said ya well rose make your penis shorter and thinner (I know for a fact that’s bullshit). I made an online appt with dr Eid, am I acting too fast? I know I’ve only been dealing with this for like 6 months but it has been devastating and everyday I seem to be stuck with no good solution, I’m not sleeping good. My heart truly goes out to the lifelong sufferers. I ordered mt Everest (pt 141 oxytocin and Cialis sublingual) anyone ever try that idk I’m desperate. So tired of people telling to to get happy and things will get better. I’m unhappy cuz my dicks not working right. I feel like I’m at the point of either injections or an implant. And injections sound just awful for a single guy, like so impractacle and nearly impossible to navigate, on the bright side I’m so depressed I don’t want to be around anyone so dating obviously not gonna happen. I’m in such a rut and need advice, some words of encouragement something idk like I just don’t see injections as a viable solution I know that’s not gonna make my depression go away. I need my mind to be freed of this and an implant seems to be that option, am I crazy for thinking that only after 6 months of suffering. I just see people suffer for years and years then get the implant and while not perfect much better than what they were dealing with. Like I’ve been legit suicidal over this. My future plans and my hope for a future seemed to implode on me within a couple months.

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Re: Sudden onset ED

Postby bldoink » Thu Jan 26, 2023 2:53 pm

Welcome to the forum.

I don't at all feel qualified to give you advice. I think consulting a doctor that specializes in men's sexual health is a good idea. In your case I wouldn't rule out injections as a temporary measure to help get your confidence back.

Good luck.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Not nerve sparing. C in margins. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ 8 - 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE due to cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: Sudden onset ED

Postby Lost Sheep » Fri Jan 27, 2023 5:28 pm

Welcome to the forum, nfljcgarcia and thanks for spilling your story.

In my mid-30s I started exeriencing worsening erectile problems. Bldoink's advice is good. Such advice was not available to me at that time.

What I was able to do, however, and recommend to you is to date without expecatations of sex. Just being in company with a pleasant woman was worth the effort. And sometimes it did result in sexual activities, mutually satisfying. Women are incredibly supportive if they feel respected, trusted and safe. Try it. You might enjoy the experience of a date without the thought of "Will I or won't I get hard?" Take the pressure off of yourself - and her.

When sex did become an option, I would tell the woman that my penis "does not work as well as it should, but I will make every effort to ensure you are satisfied." I had a lot of good sex (non-coital, of course, but with the cooperation of a willing woman, coital as well.)

Fellatio always roduced reliable orgasms for me. Preceeding by cunnilingus to ensure she was happy pretty much guaranteed repeat encounters.

One solution suggestion from one guy. Besides, the company of women is enjoyable in and of itself because it is simply different from the company of only the guys.
Lost Sheep
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Re: Sudden onset ED

Postby nfljcgarcia » Fri Jan 27, 2023 7:47 pm

Thanks for the advice!! Just out of curiosity, where are you with your ED now, like did you get to the place where pills worked for you, once in a relationship and comfortable? One problem I have is I am so depressed about this, I honestly don’t know if I would be able to date, it sounds terrifying. I usually just want to be by myself these days. Like what do you do to get your mind off of it, it’s so all consuming.

Lost Sheep
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Re: Sudden onset ED

Postby Lost Sheep » Sat Jan 28, 2023 9:49 pm

nfljcgarcia wrote:Thanks for the advice!! Just out of curiosity, where are you with your ED now, like did you get to the place where pills worked for you, once in a relationship and comfortable? One problem I have is I am so depressed about this, I honestly don’t know if I would be able to date, it sounds terrifying. I usually just want to be by myself these days. Like what do you do to get your mind off of it, it’s so all consuming.

I refused to be depressed. Difficult to do, I know, but doable.

I lived with ED for a long time. I dated. I had sex occasionally. The support of kind women made all that possible and enjoyable. And, my advice about dating women who are NOT kind and understanding is that they are not worth the price of dinner or your time.

Ultimately (according to my profile at the bottom of my posts) I did get an implant. Works better, but does make it harder to sort out kind and understanding from selfish and non-supportive.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Re: Sudden onset ED

Postby Budward » Fri Feb 07, 2025 8:37 pm

CAn you let us know if the Mt. Everest pill works for you? Thanks

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