Where to start and implants
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:19 pm
Hi all,
A bit of background: I hurt my back around 8 years ago when I was 18/19 years old. At the time I was super athletic and I assumed the injury would heal on it's own like they always had. It was minor and definitely not debilitating like I had always assumed back injuries would feel like.
Fast forward a year or two and I'm seeing a doctor here and there because my body feels "off." Nothing comes of it. I'm still in incredible shape and a 19/20 year old boy so I should be fine in their eyes. Fast forward a few more years and I'm demanding MRIs because my feet are feeling cold and numb and my sense of balance is off. MRIs look fine, nerve conduction studies show minor unilateral issues in my left s1 nerves. Around this time my then girlfriend and I break up because I'm just "not the same" and I really haven't been too active since then.
A few years later with no resolution and several other investigations and I have come to realize the slow progression of ED I've had over the years. I always chalked it up to lack of sleep, reduced exercise/cardio, and reduced self-image. Now I realize that it is definitely nerve damage in my sacral nerves that I assume is from arachnoiditis. Poking and stroking around with a sewing needle there is a severe reduction in feeling in the left half of my penis with large dead spots in the glans and definite reduction in my right side as touching my right outer glute gives more sensation. Nocturnal erections do not exist anymore and I cannot remember the last time I had a random erection or thought after masturbation that I felt "good".
Anyway, I've just now started the process of working with this ED issue. Unfortunately there is a lack of resources for ED from sacral nerve damage out there. I've just now started talking to my general doctor about seeing a urologist but it's a slow process as I'm sure I am now labelled as a hypochondriac.
For those of you with experience with sacral nerve damage, did any injections or pills help? Have any of you had a specialized nerve conduction study on your perineal region? I'm afraid at this point that to have any sort of real sex life moving forward I may need to start looking into implants but I want to be as prepared as possible starting this process with a Uro.
Any insight is appreciated.
A bit of background: I hurt my back around 8 years ago when I was 18/19 years old. At the time I was super athletic and I assumed the injury would heal on it's own like they always had. It was minor and definitely not debilitating like I had always assumed back injuries would feel like.
Fast forward a year or two and I'm seeing a doctor here and there because my body feels "off." Nothing comes of it. I'm still in incredible shape and a 19/20 year old boy so I should be fine in their eyes. Fast forward a few more years and I'm demanding MRIs because my feet are feeling cold and numb and my sense of balance is off. MRIs look fine, nerve conduction studies show minor unilateral issues in my left s1 nerves. Around this time my then girlfriend and I break up because I'm just "not the same" and I really haven't been too active since then.
A few years later with no resolution and several other investigations and I have come to realize the slow progression of ED I've had over the years. I always chalked it up to lack of sleep, reduced exercise/cardio, and reduced self-image. Now I realize that it is definitely nerve damage in my sacral nerves that I assume is from arachnoiditis. Poking and stroking around with a sewing needle there is a severe reduction in feeling in the left half of my penis with large dead spots in the glans and definite reduction in my right side as touching my right outer glute gives more sensation. Nocturnal erections do not exist anymore and I cannot remember the last time I had a random erection or thought after masturbation that I felt "good".
Anyway, I've just now started the process of working with this ED issue. Unfortunately there is a lack of resources for ED from sacral nerve damage out there. I've just now started talking to my general doctor about seeing a urologist but it's a slow process as I'm sure I am now labelled as a hypochondriac.
For those of you with experience with sacral nerve damage, did any injections or pills help? Have any of you had a specialized nerve conduction study on your perineal region? I'm afraid at this point that to have any sort of real sex life moving forward I may need to start looking into implants but I want to be as prepared as possible starting this process with a Uro.
Any insight is appreciated.