Larry10625 wrote:nonsense about censorship WHICH DOES NOT APPLY TO PRIVATE SITES.
Larry, I beg to differ on the statement that censorship does not apply to private sites.
Private sites have the right to censor what is posted. In most democracies government does not have the right to censor speech or writing.
Those two facts (the difference between government and private rights) do not address the question we are debating. We are debating whether or not and to what extent FrankTalk should exercise its right to censor members' posts. And how it should do it. And what effect such exercise would help or hinder FrankTalk's mission.
Of course, since FrankTalk is a privately owned entity the site owner has dictatorial imprimatur. But to the extent that Paul elects to listen to the members, we do have a voice (free speech being what it is). Also, since enjoys certain benefits granted by the Government (by virtue of incorporation as a 501(c) entity) the Government (and prohibition of certain modes of censorship) might hold some sway over FrankTalk's policies on allowed and disallowed posts/words/content. I do not know the law on that last point, nor do I believe it is central to the questions we are debating.
Should certain words be prohibited in posts on FrankTalk?
Should the rules on prohibition be formal, "black-letter law" style or allowed to be subjective (and if so, who is the final arbiter)?
There are other, more nuanced questions, but those two seem to be having the most traction.
I sincerely hope that my posts are not grief-ridden. I am trying to focus on getting a resolution that will keep FrankTalk as beneficial to the world as it can be and help it rise up to its highest potential.