muse & cialis

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muse & cialis

Postby Bender » Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:34 pm

can you use cialis the first day and muse the second day Cialis works but only 50 percent the second time

Frank Talk Admin
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Re: muse & cialis

Postby Frank Talk Admin » Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:37 pm

Cialis is tadalafil and MUSE is prostaglandin. they are two entirely different drugs/chemicals/compounds. They are not contraindicated. Ask your doctor, but the two drugs should have no effect on each other.

If Cialis is working the first day and not after 24 hours, then you might ask about daily Cialis. Your daily levels average out to about the equivalent of 10 mg a day.

Otherwise, is there some reason you aren't using Viagra, Levitra, or, even better, Stendra? If you want sex every day, Stendra has the fewest side effects and shortest half-life.

Don't just try to figure this stuff out alone. INSIST that your doctor find you a solution that will work for your lifestyle.

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Re: muse & cialis

Postby ventura » Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:08 pm

Is Stendra out on the market yet. If so please let us know. I was reading some imfo about Stendra and it said it can give men a Erection with people who had nerve damage due to Robotic Prostate Cancer surgery. Can anybody please let us know if that is true.
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