Losing Confidence in Viagra and Other Oral Meds

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Losing Confidence in Viagra and Other Oral Meds

Postby drjohn » Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:53 pm

I’m getting to the point where I’m losing confidence in oral medication. I have put up with varying levels of ED throughout my adult life. I discovered Viagra about 14 years ago and that changed my sex life significantly - I'd say it was about 95% effective - I was happy with the results. Then about 6 years ago I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and I chose radiation therapy. It was completely sucessful, but even with Viagra, my sexual functioning – ability to attain and mantain erection - was significantly reduced. So even with the magic blue pill, I'm still not confident and I'd say it's about 50% effective. I'm putting up with it but it’s complicating my sex life - I'm never really confident- so I’m contemplating other means – intraurethal or injection. Neither one is really attractive but I’m determined to at least give something else a try. I’ve checked the Injections Forum and it has some good info but I’d like to get more background on treatments like Muse or the Trimix gel. Any advise or experience with these would be greatky appreciated.

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Re: Losing Confidence in Viagra and Other Oral Meds

Postby terraplane » Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:20 pm

drjohn , I tried muse at the suggestion of my Dr.for me it was a big waste of money . I found out that my Dr . prescribes Trimix , but he never offered it to me , I had to find a local compounding pharmacy , and ask them for Dr's that prescribe , turns out he was one . So I called his nurse , and got on appointment for my first injection .This was the first part of Feb . It was the best thing I've ever done .
Read all you can on this forum , and ask any questions you need to......we are all in the same boat .

Radical prostatectomy Mar . 2010 age 63 , everything good except for ED . Have tried the big three pills , VED , and Muse , results unsatisfactory . My trimix formula is : 25MG Papa ,.8 MG Phento , 8 MCG /M PGE 1

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Re: Losing Confidence in Viagra and Other Oral Meds

Postby trimix60 » Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:27 am

Trimix also changed my life....it is great....and the injection part is really no big deal....use it, and the bells will start ringing again in your sex life.... :D

Good luck finding what works for you !!!



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Re: Losing Confidence in Viagra and Other Oral Meds

Postby rschweiger » Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:06 pm

If all else fails, best thing I ever did........implant
Best wishes,Rich.

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Re: Losing Confidence in Viagra and Other Oral Meds

Postby drjohn » Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:37 am

Thanks all, for the informative responses and valuable info. I guess I still have to work up the courage to try either suppositories or injections :o . Anyone had any experience with TriMix Gel? Is it worth a try?

Thanks again,


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Re: Losing Confidence in Viagra and Other Oral Meds

Postby bob1138 » Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:47 am

Hi John,

I was implanted with the Coloplast Titan in December 2007 after the "standard" ED Treatment Modalities failed to work to my satisfaction.
The Implant completely corrected my ED and restored both my sex life and the emotional intimacy with my wife.
That being said, just as with me, the final decision is yours and yours alone!!
Best of Luck,

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Re: Losing Confidence in Viagra and Other Oral Meds

Postby Eugene » Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:07 am

The blue pill does not work for me. I alternate the use of a pump/rubber ring and somes times use Edex which is also called Caverject. The pump works well when time is limited. I use the Edex when I want my erection to last for several hours. :D I used Trimix years ago and it worked well for me, but I did not care for the need to refrigerate it or travel to a compounding pharmacy miles away to obtain it. Edex works just as well as Trimix for me and its single dose filled syringe is so convenient to use at home and when traveling. I have never used any other medication method as I hear they are less effective. There are many other ways to achieve a functional erection other than the blue pill. Best wishes as you experiment to find what works well for you.
Prostatectomy and radiation therapy 2/05. AMS 700 implanted 9/17.

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Re: Losing Confidence in Viagra and Other Oral Meds

Postby ohohiakane » Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:27 am

trimix can be a huge financial savings IF you avoid the "men's clinics" ... See a regular urologist and ask about it.

When Cialis became unreliable for me, just the fear of failure became self-fulfilling prophesy.

Trimix has been a blessing to our sex life, effective 99% of the time. Because of the small dose I use, injecting costs less that $1. per erection... (your mileage may vary)..

I promise that you will not mind the injecting after you see good results.

75 Year Old guy in Michigan, married in 1958, ED since late '90s, then surgery in 2008 (not prostate or other genital) damaged some nerves making the ED worse. Now on trimix

Personal email Ohohiakane@yahoo.com
am always willing to discuss stuff and help

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