Hi everyone -- new here

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Hi everyone -- new here

Postby cwatt1 » Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:02 pm

I intended to post this in the introductions forum, but I kept getting kicked out and asked for my username and password. Never was able to post there for some reason. Anyway, I'm a 62 year old guy, with I guess you could say mild ED, but it's not mild to me -- it's frustrating as hell. A few years ago I was on the antidepressent citalopram, which really impacted my ability to climax. Then i was diagonosed with low T, and had Testopel pellets implanted in my backside, whihc has helped a lot with libido, but now I'm having problems maintaining my erection. I've tried Viagra, Cialis, and Staxyn, and will soon try Levitra 20mg, but I don't hold out much hope since it's the same medication as Staxyn -- just a higher dose.

When I talk to my urologist next I'm going to investigate vacuum pumps and possibly Caverject. Any opinions on what I should try first?

Looking forward to exploring the site and meeting many of you!

Blessings to all.
ED since using SSRI antidepressants. Unable to maintain erection sufficient for penetration. Tried PDE5's, VED, injections. AMS 700 CX implanted 8/1/2022, penoscrotal by Dr. McVary, Loyola medical center. 15cm + 1.5 and 1.0 RTE's. 65 ml reservoir.

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Re: Hi everyone -- new here

Postby dtwarren1942 » Thu Jul 04, 2013 7:53 pm

Hey cwatt1!

Welcome to FT. How high a dose of Viagra did you use. I worked up to 100 mg over 15 years before it stopped working for me. If your insurance covers most of the cost, a VED w/tension band works well but you start to loose sensitivity after ten minutes and the constriction needs to be removed after 20 minutes to avoid problems. If you do not have insurance, I can make some recommendations for alternative pumping devices.

My preference would be for Trimix over Caverject. I use my VED between Trimix injections so I would go for both.
Age 82
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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Re: Hi everyone -- new here

Postby cwatt1 » Thu Jul 04, 2013 10:32 pm

Thanks, dtwarren. Yes, from what I've read trimix is more comfortable to use and more effective than Caverject, which I think is just aprostadil by itself.

I've tried Viagra 100mg (highest dose), but with limited results. I can get an erection (with or without Viagra) but I can't seem to keep it very long during sex and I can't penetrate. It may be partly psychological -- I can stay hard and climax during masturbation, but have problems when I'm with my wife. When we tried yesterday morning and I failed again, I was really beside myself. Fortunately I have a very understanding wife.

My insurance should cover a prescription VED. I was thinking of trying the injections first since the VED would obviously be awkward during foreplay. But I would definitely be interested in any recommendations as to a good prescription VED. Maybe I'll try both -- at this point I've reached my out of pocket max for the year on my insurance.

By the way, my urologist gave me a sample of MUSE to try in the office, but it was painful, and apprarently lowered by BP so that I just about fainted on the elevator leaving the office. Not sure I want to try that again, although maybe it was partly due to the fact that my urethra was dry -- I think you're supposed to urinate before using it. But frankly the idea of injections actually bothers me less than sticking a suppository up my urethra!
ED since using SSRI antidepressants. Unable to maintain erection sufficient for penetration. Tried PDE5's, VED, injections. AMS 700 CX implanted 8/1/2022, penoscrotal by Dr. McVary, Loyola medical center. 15cm + 1.5 and 1.0 RTE's. 65 ml reservoir.

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Location: Illinois

Re: Hi everyone -- new here

Postby cwatt1 » Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:01 pm

Warren, thanks for your response. I've used the 100mg dose of Viagra, the 20mg dose of Cialis, and I've also tried Staxyn as I mentioned (only comes in one 10mg dose). I'm going to try the 20mg of Levitra, too, although I'm skeptical that it will work any better considering it's another form of the same drug (vardenafil).

Thanks also for the tip about Trimix -- I've heard it's more comfortable and can work better than Caverject or Edex, so I definitely will bring it up to my urologist. I'm exploring all alternatives short of surgery at this point. I can get hard, but can't penetrate and I tend to lose it when I attempt to do so (maybe psychological -- who knows).

I also want to look at VED's, since my insurance will definitely cover prescription grade ones, so any recommendations you or others have would be most appreciated.

This is a great forum. I spent some time in the chatroom last night and almost didn't go to bed!

ED since using SSRI antidepressants. Unable to maintain erection sufficient for penetration. Tried PDE5's, VED, injections. AMS 700 CX implanted 8/1/2022, penoscrotal by Dr. McVary, Loyola medical center. 15cm + 1.5 and 1.0 RTE's. 65 ml reservoir.

Posts: 107
Joined: Sat May 15, 2010 5:38 pm

Re: Hi everyone -- new here

Postby regal1945 » Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:24 pm

Agree, we are also having trouble logging in or posting, really hit and miss, used to work great but now full of bugs! :x WTH happened?

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Re: Hi everyone -- new here

Postby cwatt1 » Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:07 pm

Take a look at the "Time Lapse" topic in the "Suggestions" forum. The issue has to do with how various browsers access the server. If you use IE you shouldn't experience any problems, but the issue appears with Chrome, Firefox, and others.

Paul gave me a great tip when I first joined the forum. If you don't see your post or something else looks weird, refresh your cache by simply holding the SHIFT key and clicking the "Refresh" icon on your browser.
ED since using SSRI antidepressants. Unable to maintain erection sufficient for penetration. Tried PDE5's, VED, injections. AMS 700 CX implanted 8/1/2022, penoscrotal by Dr. McVary, Loyola medical center. 15cm + 1.5 and 1.0 RTE's. 65 ml reservoir.

Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:41 am

Re: Hi everyone -- new here

Postby Dave13 » Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:58 pm

Greetings-I am also new here. Yep-ED is the game and we are all playing with different types of solutions. I am trying Trimix. Just started-also in my 60's. Oh those days when I was young:)

Posts: 136
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Location: Illinois

Re: Hi everyone -- new here

Postby cwatt1 » Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:13 pm

Hi Dave,

I'll be trying Trimix shortly, hopefully. How's it working for you?
ED since using SSRI antidepressants. Unable to maintain erection sufficient for penetration. Tried PDE5's, VED, injections. AMS 700 CX implanted 8/1/2022, penoscrotal by Dr. McVary, Loyola medical center. 15cm + 1.5 and 1.0 RTE's. 65 ml reservoir.

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