NO ED but have arousal psychological problem

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NO ED but have arousal psychological problem

Postby Vlad10 » Sun Oct 29, 2023 1:38 am

I am 30 years old. I have a good erection, morning wood etc. If my penis erected – nothing bad can happen. But… All my life it’s so difficult for me to get hard. I can’t get hard psychologically or by kissing or by touching. I need just direct contact with my penis to get hard and this contact should not be interrupted till my finish. During sex I also feel just physical pleasure and not mental.

And the problem is that I totally don't know what to do, because I am completely healthy, eat the right food, physically active and sporty. Have excellent hormone levels with high testosterone.

Viagra and cialis are a little bit helpful but do not make a big difference.

I've not fapped during the last 2 years. Have regular sex with hot girls. But I want to get hard naturally without hand or direct oral stimulations. I want to receive more pleasure by having psychological arousal.

I understand that many will say that I completely don't have any problem and if I somehow can achieve erection so that's great. But it can't be that no one has something like this.

Who has such a problem and who has some advice.

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Re: NO ED but have arousal psychological problem

Postby SteveD » Sun Oct 29, 2023 7:24 am

No - I've not had the issues you've described. In my personal and professional life I have had many conversations with individuals and couples about sexual intimacy, function and development. In short, find a behavioral health professional that specializes in sexual health issues. The major medical centers who perform significant urological and/or cancer surgery may either have such a person or can provide a referral.

It's got to be someone whom you trust - because you can't hold anything back - tell the whole story, every detail! And I'll repeat that - the whole story, every detail! And if there's a significant partner in your life - that person has to be part of the process.

You may encounter some difficulty with funding these encounters. Your insurance plan may balk, you may not have the financial resources, etc. A key is staying focused on moving forward - always asking questions like 'how can I do this' and 'what other agencies can you recommend?' It will be easy to get frustrated - but I've seen remarkable changes in people if they do the hard work and keep a 'can do - will do' attitude.

You've got something very important to share with others about this journey - you can be an inspiration for so many that are struggling with something similar. They don't know what it is - how it got started - how to make it better. Give some thought to sharing your journey here on FT.
Somewhere on the journey after prostate cancer surgery 2019 - AMS 15/5 IPP 2 years later - saved by a very supportive wife and a great surgery team at Johns Hopkins.

Lost Sheep
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Re: NO ED but have arousal psychological problem

Postby Lost Sheep » Sun Nov 05, 2023 1:01 am

Vlad10 wrote:I am 30 years old. I have a good erection, morning wood etc. If my penis erected – nothing bad can happen. But… All my life it’s so difficult for me to get hard. I can’t get hard psychologically or by kissing or by touching. I need just direct contact with my penis to get hard and this contact should not be interrupted till my finish. During sex I also feel just physical pleasure and not mental.
.(Edited for brevity)

Just a shot in the dark here. Do you have any emotional connection with your partner(s)? I find a great deal of pleasure in the pleasure generated in my lover.

As suggested before, a conversation with a relationship counselor might help. Or a heart-to-heart with your next partner. You are likely to feel nervous and vulnerable. But that excitement and risk sometimes heightens the experience, eh?
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
READ OLD THREADS-ask better questions -better understand answers
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Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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Re: NO ED but have arousal psychological problem

Postby Martin6469 » Thu Nov 16, 2023 3:10 pm

I found that the Peruvian herb maca increased my libido. But it pushed my blood pressure up.

The herb damiana is supposed to help libido, but I have no experience with it.
Age 79 in 2024. On testosterone replacement due to hypothalamus malfunction. (Attention depressed guys: low testosterone is a cause.) Healthy health nut but ED due to getting old. Like to keep enough cardiovascular ability to thrust for 30 min.

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