First time sex with cock ring for venous leakage.
Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 11:44 am
support group helping men deal with Erectile Dysfunction.
naginati wrote:With my venous leakaage I have to use a couple of osbon tension bands.
HAve to start of with a looser rubber cock ring and then pop on the osbons once I have a 80 erection, then I'm good.
I am 30, haven't had sex since I broke up with the ex over a year ago. Venous leakage started then....jelqing injury, i know, idiot....
So I've never had sex with the rings before. Honestly, I scared.
I'm scared of having to explain to the girl that I have to use these medical bands. Do I tell her before we get it on? Do I just go for it?
Any advice from the guys here that have done this sort of thing.
My self esteem has been hammered from this all, but I want to get on with life. I need to go for it. Just scared of rejectioni guess.