bldoink wrote:Totally out of my wheelhouse here. Sounds like a question for the doctor.
I really can't imagine anyone not having personal knowledge of your treatment and specifics of your condition AND appropriate medical credentials having clue how to answer your question. I sure don't meet any part of that criteria.
Bleeding from where? Bleeding doesn't sound good. Bladder cancer associated with prostate cancer? You still have a prostate? I'm sure treatments have improved and now cause less collateral damage but my father had beamed radiation treatment for his prostate cancer and it damaged him. It cooked surrounding tissues and made the whole area weak and fragile. In his case I'm sure your inclination would have been a very bad idea. If your colon, etc. hasn't suffered damage I'd think you could take a gentle pounding but what do I know.
Ask your doctor or get a good copy of your records, pony up the cash and get an opinion from a doctor in a different community, if that's an issue. But your doctor might surprise you as there's quite a few that have some kink going.
Good luck!
Normally pegging within itself, done correctly; shouldn't cause any significant bleeding.
The possible exception could be if you have Hemeroids.
As in any kink, there are usually risks associated with them.
They sell tunnel plugs to help protect the anus from abraision.
As far as your bladder cancer in remission and prostrate expanding, I suggest getting information from a qualified medical (kink friendly) professional. These are not normal circumstances.
Is pegging something you desire or she wants or is this from a medical prostrate massage perspective ?