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Support for Women who have partners with ED forum

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 10:44 pm
by Bob1974
I know FT is for dudes only but for all you guys that have a woman that wants to talk about what she has to deal with or needs help because of our ED issues there is a urology based forum called that has a section for Women that can be found at and go to the ED/Support for Women who have partners with ED section or the link below.

Re: Support for Women who have partners with ED forum

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 4:24 pm
by Lost Sheep
I second that notion. While we do have many posts supportive of the partners of men with E.D. and many posts reflect those partners' (by the way, include men in some cases) concerns and feelings, having a place (a sub-forum to which female members are restricted, perhaps, or even where male members are allowed to read, but not to post) where those persons' concerns are expressed in all their depth is valuable.

There are a couple of women who posted there. Their stories are compelling, poignant and heart-wrenching, giving testimony to the value of listening to their (if not your own significant others') tales.