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Prostate massage: Four questions from a novice

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:39 pm
by Lost Sheep
Prostate massage: Four questions from a novice

It is becoming clear to me that prostate massage is good for physical health, sexual health and is helpful for connecting with a partner. This brought some questions to my mind.

First question:
As a brand-new practitioner, I wonder whether it is better to be done solo or with one's romantic/sexual partner. I figure that there may be different answers depending on if one's reason for the prostate massage is purely for prostate health (or rehabilitation after a health problem), sexual gratification or relationship growth.

Please discuss (in depth - no pun intended), with a mind to illuminating the reasons for participation of a partner or by yourself.

Second question:
Use of a tool vs finger(s) (yourself or by a partner) Fingers can be rough, but might more easily find/manipulate the prostate. Tools can reach well but (especially used by a partner) may have difficulty finding the right spot. One or the other might be easier to use for the extended period of time it takes to reach a prostate orgasm.

Third question:
How long does it take (number of tries/sessions) to reach a prostate orgasm the first time.

Fourth question:
How long does it take (in minutes) to reach a prostate orgasm (first time and as you gain more experience)? With a partner or by yourself?

Thanks to the couple of men who have been so generous thus far in my education (mostly in private messages).

I am posting this in "General Discussion", "ED and Gay Men" and "Penile Physical Therapy" for better coverage. I will be monitoring all.

Re: Prostate massage: Four questions from a novice

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 6:31 am
by flyingduck2019
Lostsheep, PM me and I will share my experience with you.