green lazer
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:50 am
typo....but the MD laughed and said 2 weeks. Green Lazer vaporizes. I've asked before why pain when having irrections infrequent then more frequent. 9 urologists couldn't answer that. Ultra sound showed nothing. But my wife recently found French researcher who claims the back effects a lot of nerves relating to sexual sensitivities and reactions, so we concluded my frequent lower back pain might have an impact re my inconsistent and varying ED issues. Between controlled type 2 diabetes, needing to drop 10-15 lbs, the occassional back pain, BHP, kidney stones, and MDs prescribing flowmx and finasteride (terrible stuff). One MD treated for Peyronies. It wasn't. One researcher said they were studying flowmax and that they think some men form tiny crystals from it and maybe that is causing the pain. All I know is since the green lazer, I have been getting irrections much more frequently. I don't expect to be 20 again, but it sure looks more promising.