kidagain73 wrote:You want your T-levels up around 1,000 then watch your wood easily rise to all occasions, morning wood, playtime, etc. etc. TRT, only way to go, all else is BS
Having a T level at 1000 is not appropriate for all men. It is appropriate for men who had a natural T level of 1000, which are not common.
For most men, this level of T will cause the body to go into overdrive to try and reinstate homeostasis. It will over time start increasing levels of aromatase enzyme in a effort to metabolise what it sees as an excess of T into E2. This will have the opposite effect on erections that you have described. Excess estrogen is an erection killer.
Trying to modulate this with an aromatase inhibitor such as anastrozole will only case more issues.
High levels of exogenous T may feel wonderful in the short term, but lead to many complications in the long term.