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A question for long-term PDE5i users: how is your hearing?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 1:09 am
by Gadsiee
I’m 24 and have been suffering from ED my whole life. V works perfectly for me. However, I am very concerned about the otoxicity. I’m not so much worried about the sudden deafness because it is very rare, but rather about the cumulative effect. Unfortunately there are not many studies done, and they all have contradicting results.

So to all the people who have been using V or similar drugs for years: do you notice that your hearing has gone down?

Re: A question for long-term PDE5i users: how is your hearing?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 1:39 am
by bldoink
I would have no way to judge. I'm older (hearing loss). I've been around loud equipment like mowers, electric saws, gas chain saws, air scalers and hammers, rotary hammers and etc. (hearing loss). I've been around loud police radios and sirens (hearing loss). Try running a car at high speed with an uninsulated siren mounted on the roof with a police radio turned up full blast so you can hear it over the siren (hearing loss). I've been around loud motorcycles (hearing loss). I've been around a lot of gunfire (hearing loss). Lets not forget the loud rock and roll of my youth (hearing loss). I do know I had some tinnitus before Viagra. My issues likely came from all of the above. I'll never be able to pin it on one thing.

Re: A question for long-term PDE5i users: how is your hearing?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:38 am
by Flavio
No hearing problems in my case but ocular pain was a problem when I was taking Cialis and that always freaked me out. Udenafil seems to be more selective (i.e. less side effects).

Re: A question for long-term PDE5i users: how is your hearing?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 10:31 am
I have tinnitus from an acoustic trauma.

Pde5i definitely enhance it, but just temporarily.

Been on daily pfe5i for 2 years

Re: A question for long-term PDE5i users: how is your hearing?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 11:51 pm
by Martin6469
No loss after 20 years of Viagra and three years of Cialis. (As long as I see the local urgent care doc occasionally to get ear wax chiseled out.)

Re: A question for long-term PDE5i users: how is your hearing?

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 12:10 am
by Canuck67
I have a constant tinnitus, cialis ennanced it but dont believe it hurts my hearing.
10 mg or more its harder on my eyes for sure.