I'm primarly interested in neurogenic ED since this is what I suffer from, so I'll share possible treatments for this type of ED. Unfortunately I don't know a thing on treating hormonal, psychogenic or vascular ED, apart from that there's this device in the makings called Implantica PotencyFlow.
So, as for neurogenic ED there's WST-057 coming that's meant to regenerate the nerves. It's now in between phase 2 and 3 and unfortunately they lack funds for the latter. But the formula is on the Internet and some people are cooking it up for their own purpose (small fiber neuropathy, sensation loss etc.). This is a topical solution, in our cases it'd be applied directly to the penis. That's one thing that attacks the root of the problem and doesn't only alleviate the symptoms, like PDE5s do.
Speaking of PDE5s, there's new PDE5 in the trials which is called Simmerafil (TPN171H). Another oral treatment would be CF602:
https://www.morningstar.com/news/business-wire/20240506802750/can-fite-received-notice-of-allowance-from-the-european-patent-office-for-the-treatment-of-erectile-dysfunction-with-cf602This is still in pre-clinical stage.
Another interesting treatment, especially for post-RP patients would be Comphya Caverstim. This is a neurostimulating device, all reversible, with VERY promising results.
We can't also forget there are things we can use right now of which abilities we might not be aware. For an example, there's gonna be a trial for using TENS device to treat ED, under guidance somewhere in Switzerland. Many things you can discover scrolling through active / recruiting clinical trials (
And then there are improvements to penile implants and surgical techniques.
Hence why I think the future is bright for us