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Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:06 am
by DAVID 1
Good Morning All, I am new to your board but none the less fascinated by both the subject and your frank and honest answers. I am a cancer servior of just 3 weeks now and am looking forward to getting my sexuality back in shape. i was lucky that Dr. Petal and group saved 1 1/2 of my nerve bundles so I have something to work with.

That said your moderator has been on line with me more than a dozen times gladely answering my questions. Questions I could not get answered by the Dr.s.

In our discussion Paul disclosed his need to funds to make this site work even better so I am coming to you all and asking why we as a group have not been able to contribute enough to help him make this work. I don't think the money is going in his pocket by a long shot.

I intend to approach Dr. Petal for a contribution which if he agrees I will match. Now this guy makes probably $40 mill a year so I might have bitten off more than I can chew.

It dawned on me that this group could do the same thing ask your doctor for some finacial help for Paul? I have a old friend who once told me "you alwasy have no in your pocket" 111

Thanks for listening and I hope we can help this wonderful and needed cause.


Re: Funds

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:50 am
by jeremc ... on/page:2/

Please check out this site and write a review.

Also, on the home page of FT, click the Yellow Button "Donate" under the Welcome box on the upper left side.

Every dollar helps!

