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Potential fork in road with injections

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:33 pm
by JamesG
I tried about ten times to post this on the forum it belongs in - Injections, but it would not allow me to. So, I am posting here in the hopes I may get a response or two.

So, I have been trying Trimix injections with some success but just not quite rigid enough for intercourse. My current dose is 20 ug/ml Prostaglandin E1, 15 mg/ml Papaervine HCI, 0.5 mg/ml Phentolamine Mesylate; I use about a 50 unit dosage. The strength ratio is increased since my initial dosage. I called my doctor and told him what was happening. He said my records show lack of blood flow and a veinous leak. He said to try a Venoseal band, which I ordered and have tried a few times. It seems to help but I wish it was more secure in it's ability to stay taut.
I know there is a stronger dosage. My question to the forum is if I do get a stronger medication, will it increase my rigidity or will it just prolong the erection? Similarly, if I were to increase my dosage to say 60 or 70 units, would it help the erection quality or just prolong the erection time period?
I really don't know and have been able to confirm from my trial injections.


Re: Potential fork in road with injections

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:11 pm
by Donnie1954
James. I have been using trimix for about 10 years an it works great if I lay off my BP med untill later. I use 5cc of Super Trimix (geneic at about $8 a bottle, Good for 15 or more shots. I get a rock hard erection that last about an hour. It takes a while for the full erection to develope so I let my wife inject me then we take a shower and I'm ready willing and quiet able. Ask you doc about Super Trimix. I'm talking to a salesman about pumping for therapy but as long as it works I will always use trimix for intercourse. I'll probably use the pump to JO hate to waste a perfectly good erection.

Re: Potential fork in road with injections

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:57 pm
by tomas1
James, I personally would get the stronger dosage. That's what I ended up doing and it seemed to give me both things you're shooting for.
I did get usable erections using 30 or 40 units of the weaker formula. With the stronger one, it's between 10 and 15 units for me.

Re: Potential fork in road with injections

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:07 pm
by trucxrule
ddbryan1972 wrote:James. I have been using trimix for about 10 years an it works great if I lay off my BP med untill later. I use 5cc of Super Trimix (geneic at about $8 a bottle, Good for 15 or more shots. I get a rock hard erection that last about an hour. It takes a while for the full erection to develope so I let my wife inject me then we take a shower and I'm ready willing and quiet able. Ask you doc about Super Trimix. I'm talking to a salesman about pumping for therapy but as long as it works I will always use trimix for intercourse. I'll probably use the pump to JO hate to waste a perfectly good erection.


May I ask what BP med you take? I used Diovan 320htc prior to onset of ED with no issues. Since ED symptoms I have been on Lisionopril 10 . I asked two uro's for advice on BP med's in relevance to ED but got no suggestions on what to take to minimize issues.

Re: Potential fork in road with injections

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 6:32 am
by tifton44
ddbryan1972 said he was using a Super Trimix (generic) at 5 cc. What is the formulation of this, and where do you get it? Also, isn't 5 CC a tremendous amount to inject at one time? Did you mean . 5 cc? I tried the mixture of 30--2--40 of Trimix last year, and did not have much success. Got up to .6 cc on the last 2 or 3 dosages. Talked to several pharmacies recently, and their standard mixture is 30-2-20 for 5 cc bottle. I read where Forscolin added to the Trimix would help (then called Quad-mix), and think i will try that as the Bottle of Trimix I used last year did not seem to work.

I think I injected correctly when I tried it last year, but did not pull back on the syringe to see if a drop of blood came into it to be sure I was in the correct spot. Will do that the next time. I ordered the Trimix from a Compound Pharmacy in Florida, but they were sold, and went up drastically on their price. Any suggestions for the best place to order? Don't have insurance coverage.

I asked my urologist last year about testing for veinous leakage. He did not want to, apparently. He said if we found out I had veinous leakage, there was nothing that could be done. Any ideas on this? I take 5 or 10 mg of daily Cialis. About 1 hour beforehand I take Viagra and then still have to use a pump. With all of this, have not had any great success. Have not had prostate cancer.

Re: Potential fork in road with injections

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 12:32 pm
by Donnie1954
Bryan here. I have discontinued trimix indefinately. Erections made penis sore and could only perform using injections and only twice a week. I use a pump with rings exclusively and make love to my wife anytime she or I want to. 5 or 6 times a week. Even twice a day. A hard, and much thicker and longer tool. I pump daily for therapy as well as sex. Sex is better, longer, with tremendous orgasms.

Re: Potential fork in road with injections

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:04 pm
by Deep Threat
ddbryan1972 wrote:Bryan here. I have discontinued trimix indefinately. Erections made penis sore and could only perform using injections and only twice a week. I use a pump with rings exclusively and make love to my wife anytime she or I want to. 5 or 6 times a week. Even twice a day. A hard, and much thicker and longer tool. I pump daily for therapy as well as sex. Sex is better, longer, with tremendous orgasms.

I hope me buying the Osbon kit gets me results like yours. Very impressive.. How much time getting accustomed to it did you take? Do you use two rings?