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Cialis Daily 5mg Effectiveness

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 1:14 pm
by radioradio
I've been taking 20mg Cialis with decreasing success. Viagra almost never works. Can anyone share their experiences with the daily regimen?

Re: Cialis Daily 5mg Effectiveness

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 3:08 pm
by Anonymous2
radioradio wrote:I've been taking 20mg Cialis with decreasing success. Viagra almost never works. Can anyone share their experiences with the daily regimen?

Hi RR Have you thought of injections, may be a better way to go first.

But how's your weight, do you eat lots of fast foods, drink lots of sodas, drinks to many beers each night and how about hard liquor and smoking is not very good for our erections.

Are you on any meds, heart, satins for cholesterol, antidepressants or depression drugs, these are all good sex killers.

Last do you know how your blood is, as good erections do really need good blood.

Its these you need to get over or off to let the erection drugs work better. OK


Re: Cialis Daily 5mg Effectiveness

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 7:17 am
by oowright
I use captopril and aspirin daily for hypertension and thinning, cut down statins to once a week now, drink sodas and for the past two years have become a couch potato. Viagra works sometimes but at high dose. Used some chinese drugs from eBay (God knows what they're made of) that were very effective but tapered off in a few weeks.

This weekend will start using "NOWHARD's potion" to see if any improvements after three months.

Never used cialis before and meanwhile, am also interested to know how effective 5mg daily would be ...

Re: Cialis Daily 5mg Effectiveness

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:02 pm
by jonbaldbg
The 5 mg must work for some guys, but it didn't work for me. I had already been on 20mg Cialis which worked for a long time. It quit working and my Urologist put me on injections of Trimix. At first, it was like being a young man again (I'm 61), but within a couple years, it too quit working very well. My Urologist said the next option is a penile implant. After tossing that around for a few months I've decided to do it. There is a ton of info on this website about that and that is how I learned. I get my implant on Oct. 12 from one of the best in the business, highly recommended on this board. I'm a little scared but plan to go through with it. Glad there is another option out there.

Re: Cialis Daily 5mg Effectiveness

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 3:12 pm
by JimBob07
I've tried 5mg Cialis, but the side effects are too much for me. I get really bad heartburn. I have to counteract it with a PPI drug like Nexium. 20mg seems to work well, and it lasts a couple of days.
They say you still have to take more Cialis an hour before sex, even if you use the 5mg daily. Too many pills for me!
Anybody else get heartburn with any of the ED drugs?

Re: Cialis Daily 5mg Effectiveness

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 9:51 pm
by dtwarren1942
Viagra, Cialis, and injections over time have all failed me. I am currently relying on a VED and a constriction band. It works well, but limits sex to 15 to 20 minutes per session.

Re: Cialis Daily 5mg Effectiveness

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 10:04 pm
by Bjones
Honestly liquid cialis worked better for me than generic cialis pills..sadly after the first few years the liquid cialis stopped working as it works maybe 20-30% of the time ..I didn't think we were supposed to build tolerance to this class of drugs?

How much do Injections cost? Are they painful? The thought of having to take a little needle with me whenever I go out is daunting ..

Re: Cialis Daily 5mg Effectiveness

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 3:01 am
I hear that, pde5 inhibitors have always produced gerd symptoms for me. cialis worked very well. But three days of combating acid was just too much,so i used levitra because it gave a firmer erection than viagra and effects lasted about 12 hours. But to the point, I ate tums like candy and that is not good. I changed to famotadine for acid control but seemed to need higher doses of pde5 which increased acid. After several years pde5 became increasing less effective. After seeing a throat doctor. he gave gave me radiowave treatment for barrets precancer. Pde5s relax the stomache sphinctor hence acid and ppi worsen erectile function. I now use caveject, trimix not available and suppliment on demand gaviscon. Pde5s can be great and not so great. Be vigilant and aware of your personal responses.

Re: Cialis Daily 5mg Effectiveness

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 11:02 am
by 68CatFan
I do not believe that if 20mg Cialis does not work for you then 5mg daily will either. It's a lower amount that taken daily allows men with very mild ED to engage in intercourse at any time. 10 or 20mg taken as needed lasts for only a certain amount of time depending on the person.

Re: Cialis Daily 5mg Effectiveness

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 5:12 pm
by bldoink
With Viagra I find if I have a totally empty stomach and don't eat anything for a good while after taking it I can mostly avoid the stomach issues. Not an always convenient scenario.