Hearing and Sex

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
Lost Sheep
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Hearing and Sex

Postby Lost Sheep » Fri Sep 02, 2016 1:52 pm

Hearing and Sex

I am trying to decide whether or not to go ahead with surgery and came up with this analogy. Comments please.
I could go on as I am with difficulty hearing conversations in restaurants and other noisy venues and occasionally having to ask people to repeat themselves even in quiet conversations.  I lose the high notes in concerts and am often unable to distinguish song lyrics.  All this is moderately frustrating - livable but far from ideal. 
I could go on as I am, with partial and short-lived erections sufficient for my own orgasms, but not for my partner's.  This is moderately satisfactory to us both, but the joy and intimacy of joining our bodies in this way (as opposed to the modified sex we can have now) is moderately frustrating - livable but far from ideal.
Afflicted with marginal Hearing loss correctible to perfect hearing by an implant has a success rate of 80-90 percent success rate and a 10% rate of utter deafness. ( see my post script below)
Afflicted with marginal sexual performance correctible to perfect by an implant which has a success rate of 80-90 percent and a 10% rate of complete impotence.
Now, you use your hearing every day and all day, but otherwise, the comparison (to me, at first glance) seems apt.  Are there disjoints in this analogy that might be improved by using a different function for comparison.
I am currently struggling with the decision of 1) continuing with pills and sex-of-other-kinds for the intimacy we enjoy or 2) taking the chance/opportunity of the benefits that implant surgery might provide.
Or waiting until the decision is forcibly made clearer.

 Lost Sheep

P.S. The hearing loss statistic and treatment is hypothetical and Imagined solely for comparison purposes.
Last edited by Lost Sheep on Fri Sep 02, 2016 5:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Lost Sheep
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Re: Hearing and Sex

Postby dg_moore » Fri Sep 02, 2016 2:21 pm

As you say, it's a choice. At some point you just have to commit to a course of action. Odds are very high that you'll have a good result if you opt for an implant, but they are even higher that your current situation will deteriorate over time if you keep doing what you're currently doing. No one can tell you what to do - the decision is yours alone. Having said that, I am one of the few whose sex life was not restored by getting an implant; even so, I don't regret the decision.
Dave, 80, Maryland - Implant (Titan) 2008 by Dr. Andrew Kramer (failed Sept 2020) - never used due to a stroke that, among other things, ended my sex life.
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Re: Hearing and Sex

Postby charlesr » Sun Sep 04, 2016 5:19 pm

I can just say that my life was improved greatly by an implant. but wait 2 years or so before going forward.
Born 1951. Radical Robotic Prostatectomy on October 6, 2013. Bionic with Titan Touch with Bioflex Zero Degree 18cm w/ (1) rte Implant, Infrapubic, on July 13, 2015.

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Re: Hearing and Sex

Postby MARKOS2018 » Sun Sep 04, 2016 6:03 pm

If you have the ability to enjoy what you are doing without an implant, continue on course until you can no longer get an erection.
Titan implanted by Dr Eid Due to Peyronies, Implant was the only option for me.

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Re: Hearing and Sex

Postby charlesr » Sun Sep 04, 2016 6:43 pm

Right on, Hardrod and dg_moore.
Born 1951. Radical Robotic Prostatectomy on October 6, 2013. Bionic with Titan Touch with Bioflex Zero Degree 18cm w/ (1) rte Implant, Infrapubic, on July 13, 2015.

Lost Sheep
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Re: Hearing and Sex

Postby Lost Sheep » Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:31 am

charlesr wrote:I can just say that my life was improved greatly by an implant. but wait 2 years or so before going forward.
Why two years? Every month that goes by without erections, the tissues shrink and lose elasticity.

Admittedly, I do have occasional erections, but not very robust and increasingly rare. Orgasms are possible by fellatio or masturbation, but it took my girlfriend two months of trying to get one out of me. Waiting does not make sense, as restoration of function by any other means does not seem likely.

Perhaps my description in the original post was not clear, but my situation appears inexorably headed toward celibacy or implantation. Why wait?

Lost Sheep
Last edited by Lost Sheep on Mon Sep 05, 2016 2:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
Lost Sheep
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Re: Hearing and Sex

Postby Lost Sheep » Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:34 am

dg_moore wrote:As you say, it's a choice. At some point you just have to commit to a course of action. Odds are very high that you'll have a good result if you opt for an implant, but they are even higher that your current situation will deteriorate over time if you keep doing what you're currently doing. No one can tell you what to do - the decision is yours alone. Having said that, I am one of the few whose sex life was not restored by getting an implant; even so, I don't regret the decision.

I am pretty much committed to a course of action. The questions I have are ones of how to go about it, prepare for it and if I want to proceed with the surgeon who has been handed to me.

Lost Sheep
Lost Sheep
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Re: Hearing and Sex

Postby rahod1 » Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:49 am

I'm 70 and have had moderate hearing loss for decades along with ED that wasn't responding as it used to with pills.

1) Got hearing aids....no more problems
2) Use Trimix injections...no more problems.

Just my story.

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Re: Hearing and Sex

Postby Anonymous2 » Mon Sep 05, 2016 2:25 am

Hi Lost Sheep, From your first post little bits of vital info is missing like your age, and what meds your on, have you googled your drugs side effects to see if there is a problem there.

Why wait, I do know a couple of guys on here who have implants and wish they had waited, have you tried injections yet? not that I have, see I fought ED and won, herbs spices and a hormone did it for me and still is.

How is your life style, as everything we do effects our erections, like what we eat, what we drink, smoking, alcohol, do you get out and do some exercise, see its all these that effect us and our erections.

Your Penis is Affected by Every Aspect of Your Physical, Mental and Emotional Life.

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Re: Hearing and Sex

Postby charlesr » Tue Sep 06, 2016 2:19 pm

The general rule is that one should wait at least two years after a radical prostatectomy (RP) in order to see if the nerves have returned. If you have ED without a RP then that is a different story. If nothing else works, go for it. I have actually read somewhere (maybe some guys here can enlighten you and me) that there is talk that an implant would be performed on a penis at the SAME TIME as a RP. So the two year wait then becomes a moot point.

I guess I didn't want to find out (or I guess I wouldn't have found out) that the nerves returned and I could get erections naturally. From what I've read; a return to natural erections is the exception rather than the rule; but it does occur. I actually waited 21 months before I got my implant. To be honest; I was told by my urologist (Dr. Robert Kaplinsky was the same doctor who performed both my RP and my implant and is an excellent urologist) that erections are NEVER the same after an RP. Never as strong, firm and never as large. That, along with some insurance logistics and my wife's teaching schedule rushed the operation.

So I guess I'm waffling at the 2 year deal. Sorry if I was steering you wrong. However, if you do wait, get on your penile rehabilitation regimen immediately. I got on my as soon as the urologist allowed me, and he was conservative. He wanted to have total healing of the wounds due to the RP. So I waited 8 weeks. This will eliminate any worries about shrinkage or lack of blood flow; or any of the other things that occur after an RP.

But if you go for the implant right away, don't sweat the penile rehab. Hope this helps.
Born 1951. Radical Robotic Prostatectomy on October 6, 2013. Bionic with Titan Touch with Bioflex Zero Degree 18cm w/ (1) rte Implant, Infrapubic, on July 13, 2015.

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