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Rock hard erections, but only at night.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 10:56 am
by newtoed
Hey Guys,
After 20 years of marriage my wife kicked me out 10 years ago when I was 41. I have never experienced ED before, but a few months after I moved out and started dating I could never get even a decent erection. It has been 10 years and only medication produces erection. I have been healthy and pretty fit, the only condition I have is stress from work and some anxiety, but I don't take any medications. Sadly 3 years ago I was also treated for rectal cancer: radiation to the pelvis, chemo and a major surgery that removed the rectum and the anus and gave me a colostomy bag. Interestingly my ED only got a little worse, even though I barely have any sperm but thank god my orgasm is just as intense as when I was healthy.
My ED started suddenly after the divorce and even now at night I have rock hard erections waking me up and often I have to masturbate to get rid of, but as I masturbate and wake up often my erection goes away completely by the time I orgasm.

My questio is: could this be psychological since I can't get or keep an erection when awake only when asleep? Could have my ex put a curse on me lol? During oral sex or intercourse or even with masturbation cannot get any erection when awake without medication. I'm thinking about going to a sex therapist even a psychic if I have to.
I would appreciate your input. Thanks.

Re: Rock hard erections, but only at night.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 11:35 am
by David_R
Remember that ED is just mainly physical, not always physical. And sometimes it's a combination of physical and psychological. I hope you can find a carefully trained professional to diagnose and treat you, brother.

Re: Rock hard erections, but only at night.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 1:35 pm
by dtwarren1942
Stress and anxiety can often be an erection killer. The fact that you can wake up with a hard erection at night when you are more relaxed may be a clue. Worried about a weak erection brought on by a slight physical condition brought on by age can be psychologically self perpetuating.

I suffer from severe ED due to years of diabetes and even pills can not generate a sustainable erection. However. I find medical aids (injections and VED) not to be a deterrent to enjoyable sex. Be happy pills work for your.

Re: Rock hard erections, but only at night.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 2:22 pm
by Anonymous2
Hi NT, I should imagine that being chucked out put a real big dent in your ego, if in all this time you have been dwelling on that point in your life, its like a case of in built guilt, which has lead on to full partial ED, so its this part of your life I think your hanging on to, hence ED, time to let go get rid of your thoughts and restart your life again.

This is were a good trick cyclist ( psychiatrist ) will help, mat be able to get in your grey matter and hide it in a very dark corner, one thing that may help along with him/Her is some meditation, were you can clear you mind, this you can do anytime of the day, but you must do the first one every morning, so you start your day with a real clear mind, see if you can find a local group for help starting your way into meditation, if not just google meditation and your find lots of help.

With some luck you may start getting things back, if your getting some strong nocturnal erections that wake you along with morning woods back, then you know things are getting better.


Re: Rock hard erections, but only at night.

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 1:18 am
by newtoed
Actually my wife kicking me out was the best thing that could happened to me and I don't dwell on it at all. I have been dating, having great experiences, even was married second time for 5 years. I don't feel bad or regret about my first marriage at all. It is just weird that over night your erections are not existent and only get them when asleep. That fact that I get rock hard erections at night that often don't go away close out venous leak or any physiological causes. So it must be something mental. When flirt with a woman I don't feel any performance anxiety and during sex (with pills) I'm totally relaxed and having fun despite the 15 inch scar and the colostomy patch on my stomach. I'm gonna call a sexual therapist Doctor next week, because the urologist only offered me meds. I feel grateful that the pills work reasonably well, but I'd like to be more spontaneous and avoid the side effects.
Thank you for your valuable comments.

Re: Rock hard erections, but only at night.

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 1:52 am
by Anonymous2
Hi NT See after having ED and won I get nocturnal erections that wake me up and most mornings have a really good morning wood that's wakes the wife up.

How does this happen its all because I did the research as Viagra just gave me bad side effects, but to get some really good erections its all down to our blood, get your blood working right your half way there, I have a post on here its this, just follow the link.


Your find the mix at the bottom is really great at cleaning our blood out and does give you a good zing then its just supplements, you can see what I take, if you think how, you can google it all, but try the 12 week trail, this has worked for me for the last 5 years, and never take drugs, as I'm from the UK my doctor loves that I'm drug free, even turn down flu jabs, she says why last time I had one I got the flu so bad, never again.

Sorry, look try it see how you feel, its free, if your like me the mix your find in your kitchen its that simple. OK


Re: Rock hard erections, but only at night.

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 10:02 am
by Nocturne
Weird... I just posted a new thread about having had this experience this morning. Decent erection while sleeping and when I woke up, that must have gone on for at least an hour -- and lost it during actual sex with my wife. WTF?