Wow, the doctor who makes his living lopping out the parts is encouraged to tell the patient a realistic view that things are going to suck and not improve much no matter what you do.

Every doctor I contacted told me that sexual recovery happens within 6 months to 2 year
I agree with you, Totally. I went into this believing that in a few months everything would be more or less back to "my old normal" . Well we all know that this is BS to some degree for all of us.
I find it very dis-heartening that the RP Surgeons do not inform us of the results of saving our lives from prostate cancer. My surgeon in Houston did a very good job in getting all of the cancer, even though it was outside the prostate, even was able to spare the nerves. He said one nerve was untouched and the second was scraped on a small amount. We for all of the good that did he may as well took them out also. I was ignorant of what to expect and therefore had unreal expectations and that has caused me a lot of emotional and marriage issues.
I was not told what to expect, what options I had or the success of the different ED treatments. Its like we are ignorant and they are embarrassed to talk about our non-functioning dick and how to make it function again.
This fact needlessly made my journey much harder on my family. Plus the fact that I had a less than successful 1st implant and a doctor that would not admit that it was less than "perfect". My recent revision has solved some of the original implant issues though.