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How do I post an URL

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:01 pm
by Reggieman
I'm trying to post some URLs to a website and YouTube videos. How do I do that? I don't want to type the URLs out. When I use "add attachment" the URLs are not accepted. I'm no techie.

Re: How do I post an URL

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:10 pm
by dg_moore
At the top of the post editing window is a series of formatting buttons. One of them is URL. Select that and then paste the URL between the open and closing tags ([url][/url])

Re: How do I post an URL

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:30 pm
by Reggieman
In researching why wives lose interest in sex after marriage, I found the following videos that my wife and I found very informative. The presenter is an Australian sex therapist that specializes in approaching the subject from a man's point of view. The subject of "Sex in the Wild" vs "Sex in Capitivity" was very interesting. The videos offer solutions for couples to consider. I also include the therapist's website.

The videos helped me understand that my wife was not just being an inconsiderate bitch when she didn't want sex. She understands better why men need sex.

Hope this is helpful.

Re: How do I post an URL

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 1:54 pm
by Larry10625
Reggieman wrote:I'm trying to post some URLs to a website and YouTube videos. How do I do that? I don't want to type the URLs out. When I use "add attachment" the URLs are not accepted. I'm no techie.

Go to the URL, highlight the web address, right click, select copy, go into Frank Talk window, right click, select paste. :)


Re: How do I post an URL

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:05 pm
by bldoink
Larry10625 wrote:Go to the URL, highlight the web address, right click, select copy, go into Frank Talk window, right click, select paste. :)


The simplified method you describe does usually work. Unfortunately it doesn't work in all cases. Some don't automatically work that way but I'm not sure why. It could be due to the length of the url.

To assure that the link will be "Hot" or "Clickable" you must enclose it within the starting and ending url code, either by using the buttons provided for on this forum or by simply typing them.

You can copy and past your link into your text first and then highlight it in your post and then click on the forum provided url button. That is often easier than clicking the url button and then trying to get the cursor to to stay between the the two starting and ending code brackets while you paste the link. I think this easily made error is evidenced by the original poster in his third link which is broken for that very reason.

Re: How do I post an URL

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:57 pm
by Reggieman
Larry 10625-The simple cut and paste method one usually uses didn't work that's why I asked what method is used here.

Re: How do I post an URL

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 7:45 am
by Larry10625
Reggieman wrote:Larry 10625-The simple cut and paste method one usually uses didn't work that's why I asked what method is used here.

OK... strange, it usually does. Anyway, someone else has posted another way for you to do it. Good luck. Let me know if you still have problems :)


Re: How do I post an URL

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 10:32 pm
by Lost Sheep
There appears to be an extra bracket "[" just to the left of "http" on th elink that does not present itself correctly (the third one).

And a missing bracket "[" just to the left of the terminating "/url]"

On second thought, it is probably the very same bracket, just misplaced.