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Pump Consult

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 6:15 am
by Artist
I have an appointment scheduled at my urologist's office with a VED sales person. Per my doctor, if this device works he can write a script that day for the device. Have any members worked with their doctor for a VED demo? This sounds like a trial of the pump in the office, but I am not certain. Will I get to try a pump and should I do some manscaping for this appointment? I expect a strong sales pitch but I can handle that. Any experience and advice from members will be appreciated!

Re: Pump Consult

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:20 pm
by dtwarren1942
I never worked with a doctor to get my VED. However:

Make sure your health insurance will cover at least 80% of the cost before agreeing to buy. If your insurance coverage is not good, the non medically approved version is basically the same which you can order from the company's web site or on e-bay or amazon for under $100.

Shaving a ring around the base will improve the seal during the demonstration