Tri-Mix and Atrial Flutter questions

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Tri-Mix and Atrial Flutter questions

Postby pkrepair » Mon Jul 11, 2022 9:06 pm

I started on Tri-Mix injections with the help of my urologist In January of this year. I got tired of the side effects of the ED pills. Sure I got hard, but then had a headache for hours afterwards. I used my first bottle of juice,Tri-Mix 5, injecting 38 times over 2.5 months. (I kept a log as suggested) No more than 3 times a week, and not less than 2 days in between injections. I got a new bottle of juice, labeled as #5, injected 3 times, with the juice seaming to be more powerful. The last time I injected I had to go to the ER with chest pains, and was diagnosed with atrial flutter. They preformed a cardio -version on me, which was successful. The ER doctor hard never heard of Tri-Mix. I was referred to the local cardiologist who did not know anything about Tri-Mix, or its effects. My family physician suggested it may be the Phentolamine that caused that effect, but he was not knowledgeable about Tri-Mix too. My urologist never mentioned it as a possible side effect, nor did the patient education sheet packed with the Tri-Mix. I really liked the effects of the Tri-Mix a lot. I got my injection technique and dosage perfected. That was April, and I have been scared to try it since then. I have gone back to the PE-5 drugs, but I am not happy with the side effects, and miss the drug induced hard-ons. I don't know if they sent me the wrong formula, or if it affects me differently. Anyone have any experience, suggestions, or where I can find out more information?
67 Years old. ED since 58 Married 46 years, now wife is to sick for sex

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Re: Tri-Mix and Atrial Flutter questions

Postby sogwap » Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:30 am

I'm not a medical professional but a user like you.

You mentioned you got 38 shots from your first vile. Did you increase the dosage from when you first started using Trimix. Or did you use the same dosage as when you started.
It's possible the new vile is stronger because its fresh.

Also did the injection that produced the Atrial flutter give you the same hard on as other times. As it's possible it missed and went into the blood stream?

I would definitely check with your doctor, the prescribe Trimix. ... ideeffects
Struggled with ED/PE for years.
Started using Trimix in May 2022 with very good results.

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Re: Tri-Mix and Atrial Flutter questions

Postby pkrepair » Tue Jul 12, 2022 11:24 am

Thanks for the response. My Urologist started me at 10 units. I experimented, going up to 14 units, which was too much. I settled in at 12 units, but was down to 9 the fateful day I went to the ER. Yes I did get very hard that day. My Urologist says it was perhaps a fluke, and I should try again. Thanks for the link to Web MD, I have seen that, printed it off, and took it with me to the Cardiologist with me. He had no opinion.
67 Years old. ED since 58 Married 46 years, now wife is to sick for sex

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Re: Tri-Mix and Atrial Flutter questions

Postby slipnslider » Wed Jul 13, 2022 1:40 pm

I'm not a doctor, but maybe your new bottle was more fresh and therefore more potent, your dick got too hard which scared you, and your fear/adrenaline made your heart race. I would just try a lower dose.
44, ED problems began around age 28 when I was on finasteride for hair loss, and also got circumcised so I lost a lot of sensation. Pills gave me bad headaches and other side effects. Now using trimix 30/1/20. So far so good.

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Re: Tri-Mix and Atrial Flutter questions

Postby Old Guy » Wed Jul 13, 2022 3:13 pm

No doctor here either, but I believe the ingredients in Trimix can cause heart flutters in some guys. Even from the same pharmacy I had vials that seemed to be stronger than a previous batch.
To avoid an ER trip if you can't get it down after injecting take 5-6 doses of Sudafed all at once. Might make you sleepy but better than a trip to the hospital with a boner.
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Re: Tri-Mix and Atrial Flutter questions

Postby Rider1400 » Fri Jul 29, 2022 10:54 am

I questioned my Prescribing Dr about this back when I started and he assured me that at the .15-.20 shots I was using that he had never in his career heard of it effecting any thing but your penis. Stated that it’s such a tiny dose that it should never cause headaches or any other side effects other than a possible too long lasting erection
59 years old ED started mid 40s pills failed after 10 years. Injections works but diminishing results with pain. Implanted 5-22 Baylor,Scott,and White Dallas.Dr Michael Wierschem, infrapubic Coloplast with Classic pump 20cm and 1cm RTE. Going strong

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