Postby Mikedsy » Sat Aug 06, 2022 12:31 pm
I have had many erections lasting more than 4 hours with no noticeable damage. My story currently has a happy ending.
Been Injecting for about 18 months. On my first injection of Trimix at urologist office, after 2 hours it was uncomfortable. Worried about damage so I sat in the parking lot and went into the ER right at 4 hours. They numbed me and while waiting for the Phenylephrine from the pharmacy, it went down on its own at the 6 hour point, so sorry I went in. Since then I have tried just about every mix and they all would typically last 3.5 to 4 hours sometimes going to 5 or 6. My urologist was not concerned about it because they were not overly hard. I could bend them a little. I use Bimix because I don't get the ache. The PGE/Alprostadil/Prostaglandin was ok for the sex but made the extended erections pretty uncomfortable. Once when switching to a Bimix with less Phentolamine(in hopes of lessening duration) I got one that did not go away. Planned on waiting it out but gave up after 17 hours and it ended at 20 hours after treatment in the ER. That was hard on winky but I had no damage from it. During the 17 hours at home I tried everything. Vigorous Aerobics, pushups and squats, Pseudoephedrine, cold shower, hot shower, ice under the testicles. Nothing worked.
In my quest for better and shorter duration erections I found a routing that is working. 4 Pseudoephedrine at onset, Lots of water and vacuum pump after. I think the pump is having the most effect. 10 to 20 short cycles. The happy ending part is that I have been slowly increasing the dose and getting better erections and the duration has been going DOWN. Maybe something else has changes, possibly some nerve healing after all this time.
Prostatectomy 1/28/2021 @ age 62
No response from pills, Injections 4/12/2021, Salvage radiation 3/21/2022, Injections stopped working 8/2022, Implant 4/11/2023 AMS CX 18 w/1 cm rte on right side only. Penoscrotal with separate incision for reservoir.