wrote:Triple Mix (or Triple Drug or Trimix) contains three drugs mixed in a sterile injection. They are;
1. ) Papaverine
Definition: (pa-PAV-uh-reen). A drug (vasodilator) that causes blood vessels to expand. When papaverine is injected into the penis, it produces an erection by increasing blood flow to the penis. A US brand is Pavarine. When mixed with phentolamine, it is usually called a bi-mix.
2.) Phentolamine
Definition: (fen-TOLE-a-meen). When given by injection, it causes blood vessels to expand (vasodilator), thereby increasing blood flow. When injected into the penis, it increases blood flow to the penis, which results in an erection.
When used in combination with papaverine it is a bi-mix. When prostaglandin E-1 is added it is a trimix.
3.) Prostaglandin E-1 (Synonyms: prostaglandin Abbreviations: PG)
Definition: (pross-tah-GLAN-din). A potent hormone-like substance that can control blood pressure, muscle contractions, and inflammation. Letters (and numbers) are added to designate the type, e.g., prostaglandin E-1 is a relaxant (vasodilator) also known as alprostadil that is used to produce erections.
There are times when a doctor may only want one or two of the ingredients, but that has become rare. The most common, an effective, preparation contains all three. It is referred to a Trimix, Tri-Mix, or even Triple Mix. Regardless of the name, it is a sterile injection prepared by a compounding pharmacist.