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Has anyone made the transition from injections to pills?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:51 pm
by trimixboy
Has anyone made the transition from injections to pills (Viagra, Levitra, Cialis)

I have been getting nocturnal erections over the last few months. I am a year post surgery. A couple times they were strong enough for sex, but my wife was in a such deep sleep and I could not arouse her (mentally or physically). But I am very encouraged. Viagra has not effect on me. but I will try the Levitra and Cialis soon.

One other thing. My response to trimix injections is getting very unpredictable. Its nothing or 4hrs now. I used to be able to dial it back a little and go for 2hrs, but not anymore. Anyone else have this problem? I wonder if my nerves recovering is causing this?


Re: Has anyone made the transition from injections to pills?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:47 pm
by Cajun Jeff
I have heard of guys that have moved to just pills after doing the injections. In my case I am almost there myself. I hope to keep getting better.

As to become no effective with the trimix. I guess that is possible. Hope others can answer that for you.

Cajun Jeff

Re: Has anyone made the transition from injections to pills?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:40 am
by Muz061
Interesting report. I also have found recently that trimix is giving me long erection times despite cutting the dose to a third of what was needed a month ago. I used to optimistically think I was getting 80% erections on pills but this took a lot of stimulation. Looking back it was more like 70% and now I am easily achieving 90% so hopeful of recovery and a life mainly using pills.