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Unhappy with reduced expiration date

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 11:58 pm
by Seb2251
I got a package of another Trimix set from Milwaukee compounded service yesterday. It includes 3 vials of 3 ml. The note inside the package said below:

Effective 11/1/2018, the Wisconsin Pharmacy Examining Board has made changes which effect the expiration dating of your compounded sterile preparation.

The new expiration dating is:

If stored in the freezer: Do not use beyond 45 days. Once thawed, compounded sterile preparation must be stored in the refrigerator and used within 3 days.

Please contact your pharmacist if you have any questions.


My old Trimix set (5 ml total) was from other compounded service in Florida I ordered last fall. This old mix was good for 90 days when frozen. Unfortunately, My urologist switched to Milwaukee compounded because of FDA investigation hits Florida compounded recently.

So I am not happy with it because of the expiration date seems too short that it is not possible for me to use up all of Trimix within 45 days.

It is possible to keep them in the freezer for longer than 45 days?

Thanks for your help in advance!

Re: Unhappy with reduced expiration date

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 2:28 am
by bldoink
The pill canister my vials came in says 3 days refrigerated or 45 days frozen. It's about 8 months old.

Re: Unhappy with reduced expiration date

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 8:39 pm
by once a writer
My injection log shows that I have frozen trimix for as long as six months, with no discernible loss of effectiveness.

My typical drill was to thaw the mix every week or so to fill four or five syringes. Then refroze the vial but kept the syringes in the fridge, not the freezer.

I believer other members here on FT have posted about similar experiences.

Re: Unhappy with reduced expiration date

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 9:35 pm
by mikestap
Ignore the new expiration dates. My pharmacist told me this was a regulatory change and the product itself did not change at all. Use your experience.

Re: Unhappy with reduced expiration date

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 10:49 pm
by SteveSW
This may be a stupid question, but anyway...If I store my Trimix in the freezer to extend the life, is it necessary to allow it to thaw before filling the syringe? Does it actually freeze solid, or does the colder temp of the freezer just help extend the life? I searched for the answer here at FT, and couldn't find it. Thanks for your help guys.

Re: Unhappy with reduced expiration date

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 11:15 pm
by bldoink
I use mono-mix, AKA straight alprostadil and saline. My mix comes in 10 one ml vials. The one I'm using will be in the front of the freezer. It doesn't freeze solid. The rest I keep in the back of the freezer. Those freeze solid. I don't wait long to draw a syringe out of the front vial. I do let it warm up a bit before injecting.

There has been a very few mentions on this forum from users that report instances of some ingredients of tri-mix precipitating out of solution when frozen. That may have been instances where there was a very high concentration of one of the ingredients but I don't know. I believe some also reported being able to shake the vial and get the particles to go back in solution after warming it. That's all a bit vague to me now and I didn't pay close attention at the time so I have no experience or expertise with that and know nothing of any medical advisability in those circumstances. I will strongly recommend that you inspect your meds before drawing it up and don't inject any meds with visible particles.