niarceel wrote:I've been injecting for about a year. My penis feels a little like a pin cushion.
I don't mind this condition as long as there is no permanent damage, specifically fribrosis, scar tissue, that interferes with getting erections in my future.
I don't scar easily and when I do, it normally disappears over time, so that is in my favor.
Can anyone provide their experience and/or advice on the long term effects of injecting needles into a relatively small spot on our anatomy?
I injected for almost 9 years. Overall a seriously great option for where I was at (pills failing, and very sexual relationship). 7 of those 9 years injections were extremely effective. Over time, physical tolerance to the drugs is a reality and most people find they require continually higher doses to achieve same results. That was certainly my experience. Also, over years and years, the prostaglandin (alprostadil) dose escalating can definitely cause quite serious burning, aching, pain. It can linger well beyond the sexual experience. Mine was sometimes days long. But all of this I happily endured because the erections were pure steel rods most often and the resultant sexual experiences, for the better part of a decade, were mostly excellent and frequently mind-blowing. Your mileage may vary, this is only my experience.
I did develop fibrotic tissue in the right side cavernosum. Started about 7 years in, and at very high doses of high concentration Trimix. I was more comfortable as a righty injecting the right side. I tried to move the injection site all around but coordination, patience while she's laying there naked, and an abundance of veins in the wrong places made variety of location challenging.
Again - I'd do that 9 year experience over again without question, even knowing what I know. Tailor that mix and you have an excellent chance at ridiculously good hardons. Those hardons may not be without consequence long term. I was implanted 3 weeks ago and the surgeon had some work to do to clear through that thickened cavernosum.
Here's the thing though - if you're already committed to injections now, that means you've already had serious ED difficulty and you've likely had failing experiences with the pills - so why worry about developing fibrosis? What choice do you have? This is where you're at. Stopping injections is not going to change the reality of the difficulty with natural erections and the failing nature, I assume, of your pills. So go at the injections, have fun, have a lot of good sex. You may get a very long run out of them. If you don't...the implant technology is there.