kilsong wrote:In a different thread here, somebody mentioned using Bronkaid inhaler to offset a long lasting erection.
I generally use Sudafed fast acting 30 mg red pills.
I take 4 of them and it USUALLY helps.
Sometimes better than others.
Has anybody used an inhaler with good results?
That's a pretty good trick, to inhale through your penis.
Seriously, an inhaler applies the decongestant directly to the bronchial tubes. Topical. Very little of the active medicine will make it to the penis.
Since sudafed enters your bloodstream, it gets to all body systems. So, not only will your erection go down but your breathing will ease, too.
I don't know if spraying the Bronkaid directly on (or into) the penis would do much. I think it might. Just as alpostrodil taken as a penile suppository can make an erection, a decongestant (sudafed or Bronkaid or others) taken as a penile suppository (inserted into the urethra) might work. Before I did that, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND ASKING YOUR UROLOGIST!!! There might be dangers. Drying out your urethrea and getting adhesions leading to urinary blockage could be life-threatening.