Trying to get the right injection mix
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 11:41 am
Had my prostatectomy Jan 30 '21 and was successful and doing fine except for the ED. No issues before surgery and surgeon said one set of nerves came off clean, other he cut into a little but expected erctions recovery. Stared pills in second month and nothing so tried the Trimix injections. They lasted too long and was uncomfortable and a little painful. Had standard mix 10mcg/30mg/1mg and was using between 6 and 7 units so hard to titrate. Switched to Bimix Ph .67 Pa 20 and works pretty well at 25 units but still have erections sometimes lasting 2-3 hours, but not painful like the Trimix was. Wondered if a different mix, maybe less papaverine, might be better. My urologist was thinking maybe PGE alone. Any thoughts would be appreciated.