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Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 3:27 pm
by Rnmhrd1718
Visited my new urologist yesterday and she called in a script for Trimix and said to schedule an appointment in a month unless i get it before then. She Said to have my wife come with me along with Meds and they will shows us how to use it. But didn’t mention if they would be Giving me the First Injection or just Show us how ? Or how to determine what the Starting Dose will be.. I’ve been a Type 1 diabetic for 25 years so shots are not a new thing. I had been taking 60-100 mg of Sildenafil for a couple years that seem to work ok, would make me just Stiff Enough for Penetration but not Hard. Problem is last 5 Times I’ve taken it i end up with Low Blood Pressure, 90/50-100/60. So Doc thinks Trimix will be perfect for me. Hopefully that Fixes my erection issues but Creates a whole new issue. I’m 52 and my wife is a few years older then me and we have been married 23 years in Feb.
im 52 yr old , Type 1 diabetic (for past 25 years) BPH & High blood pressure. We have had a Great sex life for about 20 years , 1-3 Times a week. Until 3 years ago when she was Diagnosted with RA And She/we went through her Menopause . Like most women it affects there internal lubrication/Libido & Desire for Sex. Vaginal Atrophy is also an issue so I can tell Sex is painful for her, she Denies it but it’s obvious. So for the last three years I just avoid bringing up sex or foreplay unless she initiates. In last 3 years i can count on both hands the number of Times we have had Sex . I tried to talk to her about going to the doctor to get estrogen supplements or estrogen lubrication gel but she won’t even discuss it like it’s not an issue. Since the day we met both of our appetites or sex and intimacy have been pretty high. So I’m going from a fair amount of Sex basically cold turkey that’s playing hell on my mental and emotional stability. I love my wife to death and I would never cheat on her, But these long stretches Without sex is killing Even when you get to the point where you masturbate two or three times a day it’s not quite the same. When I explain to her what the urologist said about Trying Trimix and having her Go with me outwardly she seemed excited and looking forward to it. But after explaining I can possibly get back that 20 year old rock hard erection I could possibly last for 1 to 2 hours and multiple orgasms. I’m 100% sure she Regrets that Now.. Sounds great for me or bad for both of us.. Kind a like owning a nice fast new boat when you live in the middle of a snowy cold sorry I think I shared way too much information.

Re: Trimix

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 6:55 pm
by bldoink
You should reassure her that although the injections MAY give your dick the ability to fuck like a 20 year old you don't expect either of you to have the desire or physical stamina to do so for extended encounters. It sounds like you did your best to scare her off even though you were aware of her limitations.

Re: Trimix

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 7:00 pm
by Reggieman
When my wife and I went in to see the Uro he injected me with Bimix to gauge how much I needed. We waited around for 30 minutes to see the results. He decided to cut the amount he gave me in half on the prescription I left with. He used 30 units and the prescription was for 15 units. His assistant Uro used an empty syringe to draw the blood out of my penis so the erection would dissipate. Next the assistant had me inject my penis with saline (I think that is what it was....memory is going) so I would know how to do it when I got home.

With some practice, and occasional misses, I got the hang of it. My wife used to inject me on the left side (I'm right handed) but I found out that she enjoyed sticking me too much. I took over doing the left side myself.

Re: Trimix

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 8:59 pm
by Rnmhrd1718
bldoink wrote:You should reassure her that although the injections MAY give your dick the ability to fuck like a 20 year old you don't expect either of you to have the desire or physical stamina to do so for extended encounters. It sounds like you did your best to scare her off even though you were aware of her limitations.

I was basically giving her a worst case
Between my Diabetes and High BP And could stand to loose 20-30
Lbs she knows I would be lucky to Go 20-30 minutes without passing

Re: Trimix

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 10:06 pm
by solvingadream
I'm 64 and my wife 61. She's on bio-identical replacement hormones (progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone blend cream, twice a day, compounding pharmacy made to spec for her). The prescription costs about $90 (not covered by insurance) and lasts 2 months (doctor visit extra and is not covered by insurance). Bio-identical hormones don't cause cancer, the scare was with Premarin and Prempro (made from horse urine, I'm not kidding). Those horse-based hormones are not natural to a woman's body and cause all sorts of issues, including cancer.

Anyway, my wife has been using them for 15 solid years. Her libido is very high, higher than mine like it was in her 20's, she lubricates, and is ready to go- she's worn out two plug-in Magic Wands and is working on her third.

Menopause is not pleasant, so my wife just skipped over that with bioidenticals. Feeling like crap is not great. My wife was up at 6 am this morning.

Re: Trimix

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:58 pm
by Rnmhrd1718
Just picked up my First Vial of Trimix
I assume it’s a Weaker Dose mix.
Appointment at Urologist later today for How to use Visit.
Hopefully get might First injection then..looking Forward to it..

Re: Trimix

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 1:28 pm
by bldoink
Yes, that is most definitely a starter mix.

Good luck.

Re: Trimix

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 6:08 pm
by Rnmhrd1718
Well urologist appointment went Good.
3:00 appt
Explained the Med and how to prep shot.
She gave me the First injection
.40 units around 3:15
Felt about 50% Hard by 3:30 ,
Had me stick around another 15-minutes to check my BP and make sure i had no adverse reactions. she said see where it is at after i get home and after a little
Stimulation. Before changing dosage.
Got home around 4pm. About 75% hard.
Since the Wife won’t be home from work till after 6pm
I Figured I would try a little Self
Took about 2 minutes of manipulation and i was Hard Enough to hang a Wet Towel ( 19-yr old )
Erection off of.. almost forgot about the Minor pain/pressure
Of a Real good hard on. currently still 50% hard about 35 minutes after Ejaculation.
Can’t wait till the wife gets home see if I can go again but this time with a

Re: Trimix

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 8:47 pm
by 68CatFan
Don't inject a second time today. Be patient and wait until tomorrow. You want to avoid scarring as long as you can or even all together.

Re: Trimix

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 9:41 pm
by Rnmhrd1718
68CatFan wrote:Don't inject a second time today. Be patient and wait until tomorrow. You want to avoid scarring as long as you can or even all together.

No i wasn’t planning to inject again today
Just another round of