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I’m a chicken

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 2:27 am
by TwoStep
I tried trimix a couple of times last year but laid it off until now. Just got my new trimix and I can’t even get myself to inject it.
It was easier last year when i took viagra and got engorged before injecting. Now that I’m trying to inject flaccid and all shriveled up I don’t dare push the needle through the dense tissue of the contracted corpora.

Re: I’m a chicken

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 7:18 am
by Pumpkinman
TwoStep wrote:I tried trimix a couple of times last year but laid it off until now. Just got my new trimix and I can’t even get myself to inject it.
It was easier last year when i took viagra and got engorged before injecting. Now that I’m trying to inject flaccid and all shriveled up I don’t dare push the needle through the dense tissue of the contracted corpora.

You don't feel a thing... Just remind yourself its well worth it.

Re: I’m a chicken

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 10:19 am
by jsjwjw
Maybe get a auto injector?

Re: I’m a chicken

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 2:59 pm
by sogwap
Are you able to get a chubby which makes it easier and more reliable to hit the target?

Lots of options including:
VED (pump)
low dose ED pill
I also use a cock ring to get things started.

PS You are not a chicken. You are a real man whose seeking help. Kudos.
I've been injecting for over a year. And I still find it a bit anxious to inject.
But looking at the goal makes it worthwhile.

Re: I’m a chicken

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 8:40 pm
by Mustang64
i have to say that i was pretty much in the same boat -- not unwilling to inject but just difficult to find/hit the proper place as painlessly and consistently as possible. i frequently didn't do the injection "just right" and would have a "misfire" where nothing much would happen.
I got an auto injector (i made another thread on here about it previously) and have had nothing but success with it. i highly recommend it.

Re: I’m a chicken

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:28 am
by jimmyd24
It is a bit scary, if my uro didn't give me my first injection, I don't think I would ever have the nerve to do it myself.
It is pretty much painless.
I injected for 8 years and was still a bit nervous most times.
I would try to plump up a bit, sometimes with the VED.
The bad part is when Trimix stops working.
Then it's implant time.

Re: I’m a chicken

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:42 am
by navy6587
Two-step...I hear and feel you (figuratively, of course). I can't offer any meaningful suggestions since I am close to 5 years implanted. I am also very fearful of's called "Trypanophobia" [fear of needles; aka: needle phobia - the extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles}. If you are at that stage of fighting ED, I'm in awe of your bravery and other men who continue this course of treatment just to raise their flag to full staff! Good luck with your efforts.

Re: I’m a chicken

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 10:02 am
by Jackstraw
As someone who was also freaked out about sticking a needle in my dick. I can say that after a few times and getting the desired results it’s a piece of cake. It’s a tiny needle and completely painless. The medicine comes out quick and easy if done properly. It’s been a game changer for me. Viagra 100 mg wasn’t getting the job done anymore. Once I got dose down with Trimix it’s been awesome. Hoping I get plenty of years from this. Good luck and don’t be afraid it’s worth it.

Re: I’m a chicken

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 1:38 pm
by still_crazy
Two step, you might try using a VED before injecting to get a little bit plump. I usually do a few pump iterations 1) to about 50% hard for a minute, then let go flaccid for about 15 secs, then 2) about to 75% hard for a minute, then down to flaccid, then 3) pump to full erection for about a minute, then quickly slip on a fairly stretchy silicone ring to maintain a plump penis that works great for injecting. I leave the ring on for about 10 minutes while massaging the miracle juice around then remove it.

Yeah, before I started injecting I never thought I could stick a needle in my penis, but honestly, I usually don't feel anything or at most, a small quick pinch. Now I look forward to it, because I know what follows is usually magic for about 1.5 hours :D

Re: I’m a chicken

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 11:26 am
by Martin6469
I move the needle around on the skin until I find a pain-free place, then start slowly pushing, but pull out and try a new spot and repeat if there's any significant pain. This way I avoid the microscopic networks of pain nerves, on the surface and beneath the surface. Often I have no injection pain at all.

But first I locate the corpus cavernosum with my thumbnail. Right thumbnail for right corpus, etc. My flaccid corpora are quite thin, only 0.2in=5mm. The penis cross-sections we're given are misleading in that they show thick ERECT corpora, so we think we can just aim approximately, 9-11am, 1-3pm. Not precise enough.

When I think I'm in the corpus, I push the plunger the smallest distance possible. If there's any pain, or extra resistance to plunger movement, I know I'm in a wrong place, and start over. If the needle is correctly placed, there is no pain while pushing the Trimix in, and there is no more resistance to plunger travel than if the needle were in air.