Never_Enough wrote:I get them not working for physical reasons, but if you read literature on injections the notion is that they bypass the emotional and mental aspect and isn't that why they are used for the scans where men are unlikely to be able to get full erections even if they don't have ED.
I emotionally and mentally screwed because of relationship kids and the pelvic pain which means I need more than pills.. My hope was injections would be that pana sea to have at least one reliable session a week.
I had a full erection for 10.minutes with no help at all today, but 2 days ago I had 10 mg cialis and 20 Viagra and struggles to get any sensation so Lost it twice. It's horribly inconsistent.
Apologies for not keeping up with this conversation as I should have. I completely get what a mind fuck ED is and sorry I went dark on you.
Let me just say,
YOU'RE NOT SCREWED. The 'notion' is largely correct. I just gave an anecdotal experience (my own). What I was doing was telling you they likely will work, but don't panic or give up if they don't work immediately or the first time. They are FAR more reliable than cialis or viagra. You can botch the injection and not get it into the corpora cavernosa which just means you try again (maybe the next day).
If you haven't tried injections yet, DO SO. I *highly* recommend them, in spite of the fact I've only had ONE and it resulted in a trip to the ER. Injections, in my limited experience, hold
THAT MUCH promise to restoring your sex life. Please don't give up...and give them a try.
One other thing, you mentioned a loss of you mean in your penis? There's a large body of emerging research saying that lower testosterone levels result in exactly what you're describing in terms of loss of sensitivity in the penis. I experienced this myself and was on Clomid 25 mg per day for about 2-3 years in which time my total T when from 235 to 1113 (I was also supplementing with natural herbs which, with regular blood work kept rising to that high point). I don't recall my free T number but it was well in excess of the top range for my age (49 years old when I stopped and switched to Testosterone Cypionate).
Now, the interesting part for me was that even with a 1113 Total T....I still didn't have a lot of feeling in my penis. When I switched to 200mg of Test per Total T was only around 7-800 ng/ much lower, but the difference in libido AND sensation in my penis was absolutely night and day. Constant night time erections, more or masturbation daily again like when I was younger, etc.
So...if you haven't had your T level tested and if it's low, you can try Clomid....but I'd highly recommend injecting Testosterone instead. It has been absolutely life changing over the last year.