You simply HAVE to try an Auto Injector. ZERO PAIN! NO fear!
Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:58 pm is my story in a few sentences...
I'm 43 and have been using anabolic steroids. My erection quality has TANKED. Viagra--Levitra..Cialis...stopped working.
Went to a Uro who wrote me a script for Trimix.
He gave me my first dose..showed me how to do it and sent me on my way.
I went to the pharmacy a few days later--picked up my Trimix and went home to my lady friend who was going to inject me.
She was a little weary and I was straight up terrified.
I'm totally used to injections cause I've been injecting steroids for quite some time. But this is DIFFERENT.
This tiny little needle is going into my little buddy...not my glutes.
We BOTH chickened out.
After reading about auto injectors here I went and picked up a BD Auto Injector.
The fear is GONE. The little bit of discomfort with the injection is COMPLETELY gone. Best part is I can DO IT MYSELF without fear!
Give it a try guys---especially if your new to this whole thing.
I'm 43 and have been using anabolic steroids. My erection quality has TANKED. Viagra--Levitra..Cialis...stopped working.
Went to a Uro who wrote me a script for Trimix.
He gave me my first dose..showed me how to do it and sent me on my way.
I went to the pharmacy a few days later--picked up my Trimix and went home to my lady friend who was going to inject me.
She was a little weary and I was straight up terrified.
I'm totally used to injections cause I've been injecting steroids for quite some time. But this is DIFFERENT.
This tiny little needle is going into my little buddy...not my glutes.
We BOTH chickened out.
After reading about auto injectors here I went and picked up a BD Auto Injector.
The fear is GONE. The little bit of discomfort with the injection is COMPLETELY gone. Best part is I can DO IT MYSELF without fear!
Give it a try guys---especially if your new to this whole thing.