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Size of needle

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:31 am
by dlbt567
Hello all. I am new here and just got my first rx for trimix. The insulin syringe I got from the Dr. Office has a 28 gauge needle.
My first injection was painful. I know there are different sizes of needles and would like to know which size is the best to use or is the most preferred.. Thank

Re: Size of needle

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 1:09 pm
by basil1492
I started with a 25g and that was too painful so i went to a 28g which was a little better. My last 3 injections have been done with a 30g 1/2cm one but last night i was having real trouble getting it through. It was bending and once i'd taken it out it was probably about 10 degrees off straight. Not too much of a problem but worrying as it quite obviously could have broken off so im not sure if i'll stick with these, may go back to the 28g. I was considering trying a quick jab method though instead of the gentle push as that may have caused the problem, a quick jab and it's in i mean. My biggest problem is i have loads of veins near the surface and it's hard to miss if i go anywhere from 9-10 and in the base up to midshaft.

Re: Size of needle

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 5:33 pm
by tomas1
I'm using 29 gauge, 1/2" long needles. I did bend one this week when I hit a very tough spot on Willy. I straightened the needle and inserted it in the other side without further problems.

Re: Size of needle

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 11:37 pm
by JimStars

I've been using 31g for a few years now ( had bot like 500 syringes cause that was the minimum order at the time ..). A few have bent on use.

They are almost impossible to break off.

Just take a used one and bend the needle it back and forth .. takes about 15 back n forths before it will break off. Thicker gauge night break sooner? Not sure - but they bend less so ....


Re: Size of needle

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 7:04 pm
by dtwarren1942
I have bent a number of 31 g needles. Now I only use 30 g 1/2" needles.

Re: Size of needle

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 8:00 am
by trimix60
30g 1/2 in is the way to go....but be careful not to bend the needle when going in and pulling it out.



Re: Size of needle

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 11:47 pm
by alibaba
I've only used 28 or 29 gauge. doc told me he has had to operate on guys who used 30 gauge and smaller. The bigger the number, the smaller the needle. He said several had broken off 30 gauge needles in their penis. I tried a 30 one time and I could see it bend and that put enough fear in me to forget it. d

Re: Size of needle

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 5:05 am
by trimixboy
Never bent a needle. Been using 31 gauge, 5/16 inch needles for 400+ injections. I push it in very slowly and all the way and plus some more to make sure, then pull back on the syringe to check for blood before injecting the trimix. This seems to work every time.

Re: Size of needle

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 5:19 pm
by ChattMan1962
I just recd 1st presc. 31g 5/16. Is that ok?

Re: Size of needle

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:31 pm
by Andy425
I haven't injected since November 2014, but have recently gotten together with an old GF, so I got a new script for Trimix.

I was using 30g x 1/2" before and they worked well, but my new script came with 31g x 5/16". I injected for the first time the other night (practice) and had a bit of trouble getting the needle in; it did bend very slightly. After three tries I pushed the plunger, although I'm still not sure if it was really in all the way. I used my old dose of 6 units and it was partially successful, so I don't know.

But I didn't like it, I'm going back to my 30g x 1/2" needles.