Gorrilla wrote:Thanks for your reply and support Stephen. A very big thank you to Lost Sheep for your input - that is exactly what i was looking for. For one that has never really experienced 'normal' sex and is unsure about the whole act your input is much appreciated.
Thanks again guys and any other opinions from others are most welcome.
Even more important than (or equally important as) the implant is the willingness of your partner to accommodate/cooperate in the endeavor. Never forget that. During my decades of under-performance, I found sex can be very satisfying by "other" means if with a partner who enjoys my company and is willing to try.
Then, once I was implanted, re-learning how to do sex was a challenge as well. It took several months of experimentation (which was QUITE enjoyable, by the way) to "get in the groove".
p.s. I may have gone overboard with my enthusiasm for answering your question, but it is one I have always wondered, listening to the statistics (and exploits/bragging) of other men. I always wonder, "how much of this is real, selective memory, outright exaggeration?" Here, on Franktalk, exaggeration is, I think, not much of a factor. Other forums I have visited seem to agree, though, that extended minutes rather than hours of coital stroking is the norm, but hours of non-coital sex play does count toward the emotional/sexual bonding. So, how to count on a stopwatch is very much an issue.