Newly implanted, fully inflated

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
Leon 46
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Newly implanted, fully inflated

Postby Leon 46 » Thu Feb 27, 2020 7:22 pm

I just had my implant surgery yesterday. I'm now the proud bearer of an AMS CX. I had my first post surgery appointment this afternoon, for removal of the catheter and the drain. All is going quite well, I think. Very little pain, especially now that the catheter is no longer in me. One thing, however, is that the surgeon left me fully inflated, at least I think it's fully inflated anyway. Hard as a rock. From what I've read here on FT and elsewhere, I got the impression that I would be about 30% inflated, but it's much, much higher than that, to the point that it's kind of uncomfortable, not to mention protruding. And it's to stay that way for another 6 days, until my one-week-after post- surgery visit. Is priapism something to be worried about when one has a penile implant? Or is that not a concern?
I wasn't able to see the doctor today (he was in surgery), but the technician who removed the catheter and drain told me that the full inflation was just fine, exactly what the doctor ordered. I will be calling the doctor's office in the morning, but can anyone here tell me whether 100% inflation immediately after surgery is normal practice and safe? Just looking for a little peace of mind until I talk to the urologist's office tomorrow.

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Re: Newly implanted, fully inflated

Postby GayPornStud » Thu Feb 27, 2020 8:43 pm

LOL. I thought this same thing post surgery. But when he said 30-35%, he wasn't kidding. Since I've fully inflated, it much bigger and harder than it was at the 30%. I thought the 30% was pretty damn hard... but wait till you start fully inflating and stretching it out... which will hurt more than a bit as your penis is trying to build scar tissue around your device.
51-year-old. Titan Coloplast 25cm (10.5 inches), July 2021. ED issues since age 32. Longtime Trimix user.

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Re: Newly implanted, fully inflated

Postby oldbeek » Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:44 pm

Priapism is when penis is filled with blood and won't go down. Not at all the same as your implants staying inflated. I also doubt you are 100% pumped up. It would hurt like hell. I had peyronies and part of fixing the bend, my doc had me 80-90% pumped for 4 weeks. Hurt like hell but I survived with a nice straight dick.
82, good health, RP 7-2017, all nerves taken , PSA 0.05in 2025,, implanted 4-1-18, Infra-pubic, AMS lgx 15 cm with 5cm rte. Implant at USC Keck. Dr Boyd and Dr Loh Doyle 6.5 x 5, 800 AUS 7-21-20 at Keck

Leon 46
Posts: 11
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Re: Newly implanted, fully inflated

Postby Leon 46 » Thu Feb 27, 2020 11:49 pm

Thanks for the replies and the welcoming remarks. I’ve learned quite a lot from you folks. Obviously I have a lot more to learn.
YOB: 1946
Date of implant surgery: 2/26/2020
Type of implant: AMS CX
Implantation method: Penal/scrotal
Surgeon: Dr. Kuang, Albuquerque, NM (awesome doctor)
Problem: VL

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Re: Newly implanted, fully inflated

Postby SW0110 » Fri Feb 28, 2020 11:52 am

I was left 60 percent inflated for about 2 weeks. It was full and hard like a full erection and uncomfortable. Some docs leave it partially inflated for even longer. I cannot imagine.

Your penis is also full of cylinders, tissue, left over fluids, some blood, and just plain swollen from all the trauma. Having those metal measuring tubes forcefully shoved up and down into your penis cannot help but cause trauma. It took mine almost the 2 weeks to even look the least bit soft. Then it was fully deflated and still looked like I had a semi. It took about 4 months before the titan cylinders were soft enough to lay down at a 4.30 position and be even a little comfortable.

It just takes time.
18 cm plus 1 rte titan installed March 2019. Revision March 2020 by Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY. He replaced the titan with an AMS 700 LGX 18 cm cylinder plus 2 rte for 20 cm total length.

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