Waynetho wrote:buckster wrote:notaes wrote:I hope you get better news than twelve weeks. Please keep in touch as I think this forum helps and informs other guys that need help. Thank you!
Things are going very well. Bruising and swelling are gone. Things are itchy on the inside but very little pain. I go in Tuesday for my 3 week check-up. Will post updates after.
I'm just over a year and my corporotomies and the scrotal skin over them are still itching incessantly so get used to that. It might be a while before the itch totally goes away. Fortunately (or unfortunately maybe) for me, my corporotomies and cylinder tubes are right there on each side of my shaft, so I can rub or manipulate the area to alleviate some of the itching at times.
Well fortunately for me I have a wife (48 years) that loves to scratch my itches. I see you've been married a long time. Hopefully yours likes to scratch those itchies as well.