rayhay wrote:My hormone issue again is high SHBG. this hormone binds to your free testosterone that limits its activity. There is no effective way to lower SHBG thru meds or other means so the strategy is to boost your testostorone to really high levels to compensate for whats being lost to the SHBG. Boosting test thru TRT or HRT for me has been a horrible experience. between the Gyno(hard painful lumps developed behind nipples) heart palipatations, shortness of breath, mood swings and risk of becoming infertile to just name a few. I decided its not for me. Apparently my bodies to senstive..
With that new information, my earlier advice (the stuff I intended to send) needs to be modified.
Usually I recommend waiting until you are absolutely certain there is no reversible solution that works before going to an invasive, expensive and irreversible solution. But your SHBG situation (if there actually is nothing that can be done, ever, and this is a certainty), the implant seems the only viable solution.
Other thoughts:
How is your sperm count? If low already, the infertility question might be out of consideration.
Can you freeze your sperm now? Preserving your sperm now for in-vitro fertilization or artificial insemination gives the potential for fathering your own child. Expensive, though and sometimes unsuccessful, depending on how much sperm you can preserve at a sperm bank.