SAMIBxL wrote:I see in your description that there is indicated that you have an AMS 700 CX without RTE. What does this mean in comparison to my information?
I forgot to answer this part of your question... My implant is 15cm with no RTEs. That's 5.9". I'm actually about 14cm in length from the tip of my penis too my pubic bone (bone pressed). I've got about 0.5" or about 1.275 cm of glans before my implant tips. so my rear tips go just to the underside of my pubic bone based on the math. I didn't need any RTEs because the tubing lined up directly under my pubic bone already without them. The math in my case is:
5.9" cylinder length (15cm)
5.5" (13.97cm) BPEL (bone pressed erection length)
-0.5" (1.27cm) (glans without cylinder tip)
5.0" (12.7cm) (length of cylinder from penis to pubic bone)
5.9" (15cm) cylinder length
5.0" 12.7cm) value from above - length of cylinder in distal penis
0.9"(2.3cm) (crus depth under pubic bone)
I believe the rear tips are 4cm (maybe 4.5cm) in length so that means I have between 1.7 and 2.3 cm of rear tip in my penis in my fat pad.
By comparison, you might have similar calculations but with a longer implant.
This means I have approximately 0.9" of implant tip under my pubic bone.