Feeling depressed and confused - new implant, doctor undersized me?

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Feeling depressed and confused - new implant, doctor undersized me?

Postby eustinas » Tue Oct 19, 2021 5:55 pm


EDIT: OCTOBER 29th -- The info I talk about re: implant size here is wrong. I was told 20+1 initially, but it was actually 22 + 1.5. However, see pages 2-3 for a more recent issue I'm dealing with.

Hey fellas, for confidentiality reasons I won't mention who it was, but I got implanted by one of the top surgeons you've all heard of in the US last week.

This was supposed to be a joyous lifechanging event because at 30 years old I was celibate for my entire 20s due to (mild) Peyronies disease (mild waisting, mostly issues with maintaining erection) and severe premature ejaculation.

But 5 days on -- in addition to the pain in my junk -- I'm feeling pretty sad and confused about the sizing I received.

Scrolling through the forums, it's dawned on me that pretty much every guy in the show and tell thread was implanted with a bigger model than me.

I got 20cm + 1 RTE Titan.

Now, this isn't a problem in and of itself -- but it doesn't seem to make sense given my pre-implant measurements.

I was between 4" and 5" flacid depending on conditions and 7.1" erect, which definitely puts me ahead of most men, right? 7.1" is a big dick...

But now I'm reading that dudes who were smaller than me got 22cm, 24cm, 20cm + 5cm, etc etc? WTF? How is it that I got a smaller implant than dudes who were smaller than me pre-op? It doesn't make any sense (especially given this doctor is known as a guy who is very aggressive with sizing). All I see in the show and tell thread is 22 + 2, 24, 26, etc etc

Even the doctor commented on my large size, and yet I somehow get a smaller implant than most men? I'm very confused and would love to hear people's $0.02.

I really don't mean to sound like a pessimist, but it sounds like I'm going to get 6" max with a 20+1, which is pretty disappointing given my 7.1" pre-op size.
Last edited by eustinas on Thu Nov 04, 2021 1:59 am, edited 6 times in total.
- Age 30 from ON, Canada
- Got Peyronies-induced ED at 18
- Implanted Oct 14, 2021 by one of the top high volume US surgeons
- Titan 22+1.5 RTE
- 1st cycle Nov 4, 2021

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Re: Feeling a little sad and confused - new implant, doctor undersized me?

Postby Fran4524 » Tue Oct 19, 2021 6:06 pm

eustinas wrote:Hey fellas, for confidentiality reasons I won't mention who it was, but I got implanted by one of the main surgeons you've all heard of in the US last week.

This was supposed to be a joyous lifechanging event because at 30 years old I was celibate for my entire 20s due to (mild) Peyronies disease (mild waisting, mostly issues with maintaining erection) and severe premature ejaculation.

But 5 days on -- in addition to the pain in my junk -- I'm feeling pretty sad and confused about the sizing I received.

Scrolling through the forums, it's dawned on me that pretty much every guy in the show and tell thread was implanted with a bigger model than me.

I got 20cm + 1 RTE Titan.

Now, this isn't a problem in and of itself -- but it doesn't seem to make sense given my pre-implant measurements.

I was between 4" and 5" flacid depending on conditions and 7.1" erect, which definitely puts me ahead of most men, right? 7.1" is a big dick...

But now I'm reading that dudes who were smaller than me got 22cm, 20 + 5, etc etc? WTF? How is it that I got a smaller implant than dudes who were smaller than me pre-op? It doesn't make any sense (especially given this doctor is known as a guy who is very aggressive with sizing). All I see in the show and tell thread is 22 + 2, 24, 26, etc etc

Even the doctor commented on my large size, and yet I somehow get a smaller implant than most men? I'm very confused and would love to hear people's $0.02.

I really don't mean to sound like a pessimist, but it sounds like I'm going to get 6" max with a 20+1, which is pretty disappointing given my use of VED and my 7.1" pre-op size.

Sorry... try to calm down... and wait for the recuperation...

I think you should tell us the name of your doctor for the good of us...
-Erection problems since 4 years
-I did jelqs and it is posible I injuried, but I hace to say that ED episodes began before I did jelq.
-Having sex with 30mg of tadalafilo

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Re: Feeling depressed and confused - new implant, doctor undersized me?

Postby tomas1 » Tue Oct 19, 2021 7:01 pm

I hate to say this, but you may be right.
It all depends on the depth of the crus, but I don't like it.
You basically got what I got and I didn't get 7"
I can't complain though so I wouldn't sweat losing 1/2" or so.
86 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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Re: Feeling depressed and confused - new implant, doctor undersized me?

Postby newbie443 » Tue Oct 19, 2021 7:12 pm

eustinas wrote:Hey fellas, for confidentiality reasons I won't mention who it was, but I got implanted by one of the main surgeons you've all heard of in the US last week.

This was supposed to be a joyous lifechanging event because at 30 years old I was celibate for my entire 20s due to (mild) Peyronies disease (mild waisting, mostly issues with maintaining erection) and severe premature ejaculation.

But 5 days on -- in addition to the pain in my junk -- I'm feeling pretty sad and confused about the sizing I received.

Scrolling through the forums, it's dawned on me that pretty much every guy in the show and tell thread was implanted with a bigger model than me.

I got 20cm + 1 RTE Titan.

Now, this isn't a problem in and of itself -- but it doesn't seem to make sense given my pre-implant measurements.

I was between 4" and 5" flacid depending on conditions and 7.1" erect, which definitely puts me ahead of most men, right? 7.1" is a big dick...

But now I'm reading that dudes who were smaller than me got 22cm, 20 + 5, etc etc? WTF? How is it that I got a smaller implant than dudes who were smaller than me pre-op? It doesn't make any sense (especially given this doctor is known as a guy who is very aggressive with sizing). All I see in the show and tell thread is 22 + 2, 24, 26, etc etc

Even the doctor commented on my large size, and yet I somehow get a smaller implant than most men? I'm very confused and would love to hear people's $0.02.

I really don't mean to sound like a pessimist, but it sounds like I'm going to get 6" max with a 20+1, which is pretty disappointing given my use of VED and my 7.1" pre-op size.

First of all we are all different. You have a total of 21cm cylinders. But that will vary a lot from man to man in the end results. This is because some men have a shallow Crus (the part that goes inside your body) and others a very deep Crus. The thing is you will not know what your size is for months. I had a LGX and when I started cycling I was only at about 4.5" at 4-5 weeks post op and had gains well past the first year with aggressive cycling.

Second of all ED causes size loss. And it can be slowed greatly with stretching therapy when ED starts but most times is not done until prior to surgery if at all. So you may have had size loss from ED that may not be regained or may take a very long time with stretching.

Third is that a VED pre op will give you more size that an implant can give you. The VED is drawing blood into all the tissue where the implant is just pumping fluid into the cylinders.

So this is going to take time. I had read on this board and my research lead me to make a promise to my self not to judge the outcome for 1 year post op. Size was a big part of that but there are other reasons that go into that. Healing and adjusting to the implant, and getting really good at operating it and a few other reasons.

My VED size was larger than my youthful healthy natural size. And I had an extremely larger size with Viagra for about 20 seconds than my youthful healthy size. 3.5 years post surgery I am 1/2" shy of my healthy natural size at 6.5". But there are men that have been on this site with larger size than me with the same size implant or even shorter. One a full inch and the others at 7" or a bit over.

The first time I had sex with my implant I was just over 5" and my female partner loved it. We spent a lot of time changing positions and she came 3-4 times.

What is important right now is for you to follow your doctors instructions to the letter and be strict on your wound care. Take care of yourself to help with healing and that includes mental and physical health. You just kicked ED out of your life but you have some work ahead. Waiting is difficult and just about everyone (me included) have WTF did I do moments with this. I read about this over and over on this site and knew it going in but it still happens. Try to focus on positive thoughts. Your job now is to heal and when activated to cycle. All of this including any waiting is important.

Congratulations on having the courage to do this and welcome to the brotherhood.
Last edited by newbie443 on Tue Oct 19, 2021 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Injections failed. Implanted 3-21-18 AMS 700 LGX 21 + 1 RTE 100 cc reservoir 6.5" L 5" G Dr. Kramer.

Proximal Perforation Sling Repair 4/13/21 Dr. Broghammer

67 years young.

Will show and tell and talk with others.

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Re: Feeling depressed and confused - new implant, doctor undersized me?

Postby eustinas » Tue Oct 19, 2021 7:21 pm

newbie443 wrote:
eustinas wrote:Hey fellas, for confidentiality reasons I won't mention who it was, but I got implanted by one of the main surgeons you've all heard of in the US last week.

This was supposed to be a joyous lifechanging event because at 30 years old I was celibate for my entire 20s due to (mild) Peyronies disease (mild waisting, mostly issues with maintaining erection) and severe premature ejaculation.

But 5 days on -- in addition to the pain in my junk -- I'm feeling pretty sad and confused about the sizing I received.

Scrolling through the forums, it's dawned on me that pretty much every guy in the show and tell thread was implanted with a bigger model than me.

I got 20cm + 1 RTE Titan.

Now, this isn't a problem in and of itself -- but it doesn't seem to make sense given my pre-implant measurements.

I was between 4" and 5" flacid depending on conditions and 7.1" erect, which definitely puts me ahead of most men, right? 7.1" is a big dick...

But now I'm reading that dudes who were smaller than me got 22cm, 20 + 5, etc etc? WTF? How is it that I got a smaller implant than dudes who were smaller than me pre-op? It doesn't make any sense (especially given this doctor is known as a guy who is very aggressive with sizing). All I see in the show and tell thread is 22 + 2, 24, 26, etc etc

Even the doctor commented on my large size, and yet I somehow get a smaller implant than most men? I'm very confused and would love to hear people's $0.02.

I really don't mean to sound like a pessimist, but it sounds like I'm going to get 6" max with a 20+1, which is pretty disappointing given my use of VED and my 7.1" pre-op size.

First of all we are all different. You have a total of 21cm cylinders. But that will vary a lot from man to man in the end results. This is because some men have a shallow Crus (the part that goes inside your body) and others a very deep Crus. The thing is you will not know what your size is for months. I had a LGX and when I started cycling I was only at about 4.5" at 4-5 weeks post op and had gains well past the first year with aggressive cycling.

Second of all ED causes size loss. And it can be slowed greatly with stretching therapy when ED starts but most times is not done until prior to surgery if at all. So you may have had size loss from ED that may not be regained or may take a very long time with stretching.

Third is that a VED pre op will give you more size that an implant can give you. The VED is drawing blood into all the tissue where the implant is just pumping fluid into the cylinders.

So this is going to take time. I had read on this board and my research lead me to make a promise to may self not to judge the outcome for 1 year post op. Size was a big part of that but there are other reasons that go into that. Healing and adjusting to the implant, and getting really good at operating it and a few other reasons.

My VED size was larger than my youthful healthy natural size. And I had an extremely larger size with Viagra for about 20 seconds than my youthful healthy size. 3.5 years post surgery I am 1/2" shy of my healthy natural size at 6.5". But there are men that have been on this site with larger size than me with the same size implant or even shorter. One a full inch and the others at 7" or a bit over.

The first time I had sex with my implant I was just over 5" and my female partner loved it. We spent a lot of time changing positions and she came 3-4 times.

What is important right now is for you to follow your doctors instructions to the letter and be strict on your wound care. Take care of yourself to help with healing and that includes mental and physical health. You just kicked ED out of your life but you have some work ahead. Waiting is difficult and just about everyone (me included) have WTF did I do moments with this. I read about this over and over on this site and knew it going in but it still happens. Try to focus on positive thoughts. Your job now is to heal and when activated to cycle. All of this including any waiting is important.

Congratulations on having the courage to do this and welcome to the brotherhood.

Thanks a lot for this response man, I really needed to hear this. I struggle with a ton of mental issues as well so I have some very dark thoughts in my head at the moment.

You're right. Patience is definitely going to be important here. With regard to the crus depth, that may explain part of it. I'm a very skinny guy so maybe less of the implant than usual went into the crus (at least that's the hope I'll cling onto for now).

Still feeling very down but I hope you're right. Thanks again.
- Age 30 from ON, Canada
- Got Peyronies-induced ED at 18
- Implanted Oct 14, 2021 by one of the top high volume US surgeons
- Titan 22+1.5 RTE
- 1st cycle Nov 4, 2021

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Re: Feeling depressed and confused - new implant, doctor undersized me?

Postby eustinas » Tue Oct 19, 2021 11:31 pm

tomas1 wrote:I hate to say this, but you may be right.
It all depends on the depth of the crus, but I don't like it.
You basically got what I got and I didn't get 7"
I can't complain though so I wouldn't sweat losing 1/2" or so.

This is what I don't understand, how can I have a 7.1" erection pre-op and get a 20cm Titan, which is used for guys who are as small as 5.5" based on what I'm seeing on the forums? Something seems really wrong here.
- Age 30 from ON, Canada
- Got Peyronies-induced ED at 18
- Implanted Oct 14, 2021 by one of the top high volume US surgeons
- Titan 22+1.5 RTE
- 1st cycle Nov 4, 2021

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Re: Feeling depressed and confused - new implant, doctor undersized me?

Postby RoboCock69 » Wed Oct 20, 2021 12:07 am

Don't make any assumptions at least until you're able to inflate fully and measure your dick. Even then, it'll probably measure well short of what its final length will be with proper cycling. The correlation between cylinder length and dick length isn't as strong as you might think. As others have pointed out, that's likely due to a wide discrepancy in crux depth among implantees. You're a skinny guy, which probably indicates a shallow crux, meaning a higher percentage of your implant will be outside your body — in other words, usable dick length — compared to most dudes.
Born 1982. Implanted with Coloplast Titan 22cm in August 2021 by the great Dr. Perito in Miami. 6.125" BPEL, 5.25" EG. "It's the girth that gets her off."

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Re: Feeling depressed and confused - new implant, doctor undersized me?

Postby Jack1104 » Wed Oct 20, 2021 7:49 am

I was implanted on September 17th with a 20cm Titan and NO RTEs.

I was 6.5” natural. Immediately post-op I was 5.5”. Now, one month after surgery I am 6” when fully inflated AND excited. The surgeon told me I had a shallow crus- 4cm. Which means 16cm of implant is outside, plus another 1/2 cm of glans beyond the tips.

I have no reason to think I won’t be back to 6.5” by New Years Eve.

Oh, and my girth is back to where it was, and I am told I will actually gain more. Currently 5.5”

I’m fucking like crazy, including swinger parties. I tell a story on a previous post about how I had a threesome and the other guy on my girlfriend had a big dick …that couldn’t get hard .

Hang in there.
Coloplast Titan 20cm no RTEs
9/17/21 Dr. Eid
Revision 7/10/24 Dr. Eid

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Re: Feeling depressed and confused - new implant, doctor undersized me?

Postby Lunatech » Wed Oct 20, 2021 8:45 am

Hey brother just take a breath and relax, trust me. I felt a lot like you right after activation and for a while afterwards. Read my post Went from "What did I do" to "OH YEAH!!". It's about my reaction right after surgery/activation and how it all worked out for the better. Here's a pic of me now. A little over 7" and loving it. BTW I inflate pretty much everyday at least once a day. When I was first activated I inflated to the max, and kept it there for as long a possible, multiple times everyday.
49 years old at time of implant, Suffering from ED 10+ years, Implant surgery 2/28/19 AMS 700 LGX 18cm with 4cm RTE by Dr. Terlecki at WFBMC in Winston Salem NC

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Re: Feeling depressed and confused - new implant, doctor undersized me?

Postby LuisFernandez » Wed Oct 20, 2021 12:17 pm

who was your doctor?
did they measure your penis before the operations? what was that measurement?
did you use VED and/or traction in preparation for the operation?
how did you measure your penis before? with an injection or with a VED?

for a 7.1 penis it does seem a bit on the smaller side.
Born 1986. ED. Peyronie's.
Considering an Implant. Consulting with Dr. Eid.
Using Cialis 10mg/day + 20mg for sex. Injections of PGE-1.
See my story: viewtopic.php?t=15016

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