Craigdwill wrote:One word of warning: If you're thinking of doing it, don't wait too long. If you go years with lack of a stiff erection, regularly stretching your penis to its natural, full size, this WILL lead to atrophy, loss of length, and maybe Peyronies. I waited years before getting up enough courage to see a urologist. By the time I did, I found that there was nothing embarrassing about it. These are doctors, and your penis is just another body part to them. I even had a very cute young lady pull my penis to give me an injection, and it was so professional and clinical that I felt not one bit embarrassed or awkward and certainly not sexual.
But one unfortunate truth I discovered was that my penis had shrunk significantly during the time I was putting off seeing a pro. The doctor stretched me out and said, "This is how long you will be with the implant." He was stretching me to 3.5 inches, when I had been 6 inches my whole life.
Now I have the implant, and I'm glad I did it . It's only been six weeks since my surgery, but fully pumped and hard as a rock, I'm just 3.5 inches. Now, many guys here say that after inflating and stretching every day for a year or more, they have seen some minor improvements in length, maybe an additional 3/4". I hope that's true, but that still only gets me to 4-1/4".
All I'm saying is don't wait. As my regular doctor always told me: Use it or lose it. If you can't get an erection any other way, then your choice is clear: Live the rest of your life with no erection or get an implant, be sore and swollen for a few weeks, then get a hard erection anytime you want and for as long as you want.
I promise you will not be embarrassed dealing with professionals who see multiple penises every single day. Don't put it off and lose half your length in the meantime.
Dear friend , are you able to have sex with 3.5”?